Chapter 8

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So I'm deciding to write this in General POV because it seems easier for my writing style. Hopefully, it's a good change.

"I was going to tell you to make a move, but I didn't expect you to kiss her," Marlon said sitting in his office chair. Louis sitting on his desk, still red-faced.

"Well," he went silent for a while, scratching his neck. "That wasn't really the first time, we kissed." Louis getting redder by the minute.

"Woah," Marlon said, sitting further back in his seat, his hands underneath his head. Louis couldn't believe that Marlon had really brung him into his office to talk about a kiss. But to Marlon it was very exciting, knowing Louis' romantically inactive past, despite him being a romantic at heart.

"You guys have been doing this more than once?" Marlon stood up from his seat. "Well, Lou, I guess you've grown up." He said, patting him on the shoulder, that had been stitched.
"Hey," Louis screeched.

"Oh sorry." He smirked. "I bet you and Clem had a 'moment' there too."

"Marlon, just-"

Marlon interrupted him. "Wait! When were the other times?" He sat on the desk beside him, it slightly creaking. Classic best friend, always wanting to know about his buddy's love life. Louis remembered the times that Marlon had teased him before the outbreak when a girl named Erin had supposedly LIKE liked him.

Louis sighed remembering the moment between him and Clem. "Well, it was in the forest, after these assholes attacked us." He paused and smiled gently. "And then I was rambling a lot about her and I walking together pretty close and well then she kissed me." He looked over to Marlon's eyes that were nearly popping out of his head and his mouth wide open, in shock.

He shook his head giggling. "I knew you couldn't have made the first move."

"Hey, I did after a while."

Marlon was intrigued once more. "There's more?"
"After 'that' happened, she started rambling and so I kissed her." He felt his face starting heating up once more. What was this girl doing to him?

"Damn," Marlon said again, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face. "Mind if I asked," Marlon slumped down onto the desk again, relaxing after the exciting news. "What exactly did happen with the people that attacked you guys? You never really told me directly."

Louis' smile disappeared, remembering that Clem didn't want him telling anyone about what had happened. He decided to respect her wishes. "It's not important," Louis said looking down to the ground.

"Louis," Marlon's voice was getting a bit more stern. "You have to tell me in case they could be a threat to the school." He crossed his arms. "It's serious, especially since one of the guys could still be out there."

Louis shook his head and was about to walk out of the room but he felt a hand tap his shoulder, flipping him around. Marlon smiled lightly at Louis. "Go get her." He said gently, tapping his shoulder again and giving a nod of approval. "Just remember to tell me everything that happens, you know for best friend reasons."

Louis looked down to the floor with a saddened face. "I don't think she's that interested anymore. She says she had to focus on other things." He paused. "Other things that aren't named Louis."
Marlon sighed and chuckled playfully. "Whatever you say Lou, but if you call that," he pointed to the piano room through the arch of the door. "not interested then all the girls here must he drooling over us."

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