Chapter 9

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About a week later

Clementine and AJ woke up from their slumber and started to get ready for the day. Clem put on her iconic hat with a now pealing 'D' on the top and AJ put on his cream-colored sweater.

"Clem," said AJ, giving Clem puppy eyes. "Can I go on patrol with Willy? He said I could, yesterday." Clementine nodded to his question.

"Of course you can kiddo, just make sure to not go outside the school without me and especially not just Willy." She said ruffling his hair.

"Ok." AJ bolted out of the room with his gun in his hand.

The light from the sun seeped in through the window, reflecting off Clementine's skin. She thought she had heard AJ say, 'bye Louis' as he ran out of the room, but her ears could be messing with her.

She had heard correctly, soft footsteps sounding from behind her. She turned around to find Louis with his hands in his pockets and a smile plastered on his face.

"So patrolling's a thing?" He asked playfully.

"Yep patrolling's a thing." He stood there keeping his gaze Clementine.

He rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. "So I was thinking that..." His sentence trailed off as he blushed slightly. "That we could start off the morning with a little date. You know but this one won't be in the back of a truck."

Her eyes widened at the gesture. "A date?" She asked, still starstruck. Louis sat on the floor of her room and pulled a candle out from his coat pocket with a bag of chips.

"Yeah. I promise I won't make it long since we have to go scouting today. But nothings wrong with short and sweet right? Wait that—" He stuttered. "Just forget what I said."

Clem was leaning on the side table beside the two beds with a smirk plastered on her face. "Let's do it. I never thought I'd ever get to go on a real date. Ever."

Louis stared at her, shaking his head. "Never? Have you met you? End of the world or not, someone would've at least tried to sweep you off your feet." Gabe tried and he failed. Ok, I'll shut up.

She was blushing profusely at this point. "All right, all right." She said, rolling her eyes playfully, chuckling a bit. She sat beside him looking at the things he brought for their 'date.'

"So what do you know about dating anyway?" She rested her head in the palm of her hand with her elbow resting on her thigh.

"I'll have you know, I found some magazines in the headmaster's office that had some VERY interesting things to say about the dating world."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"Well like," he started, pulling down the collar of his coat. "it said you can tell a lot about someone based off what they look for in a partner." He paused for a second as he glanced over to see Clem with one eyebrow raised. "You know, brains, brawn, dashing good looks, good sense of humor... that sort of thing."

She chuckled. "Sure, I guess."

There was silence in the room for a moment. "What, uh... What would you say your thing is? That you look for in a guy." She could hear the nervousness in his voice.

She tapped her chin, sarcastically. "Can I say all of them?"

"Nope, you've gotta pick one."

"I think I prefer... a good sense of humor."

"All right. I see you. You got me this time."

She took one of the chips from the bag. "If only I knew someone with one of those but combined with dashing good looks."

Clementine x LouisWhere stories live. Discover now