Chapter 32

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"What? I aimed for the head."

Everyone stared in shock as AJ lowered the gun, his eyes surfing the ones that laid on him.

"AJ—" Clem spoke up but was interrupted.

"You stupid fucking kid!" Jules yelled then making his way toward AJ at increasing speed. AJ raised his gun once again, expecting to shoot a second person today.

"Hey!" Clem yelled, then getting up from the ground and basically running towards AJ and Jules.

She stepped in front of AJ, his gun grazing her back. She looked up to Jules and scowled. "The last person that tried to hurt me, AJ or Louis is dead. Unless you want to join him, you'll back the fuck off!"

Jules eyebrows furrowed and he faced his Delta friends. "Aaron is dead! Fucking dead! Do you guys not care?" He paced the area. "Why the hell did we even leave with these people? We could've all stayed safe... and alive. What's gonna happen when one of us talk back to this kid or her? Can we expect a bullet too."

Dawn spoke up, crossing her arms. "You can't pretend like Aaron was completely innocent too. I know he was your friend but he did some pretty fucked up stuff."

Jules scoffed. "You just want to stay because you like her. We know that you rather be back at the camp!"

Dawn shook her head. "Sebastian cut off my arm! Have you forgotten!"

"It's your own fault for getting bit!"

Dawn scowled. "Aaron and I were great friends, okay. It's not like I'm not going to be sad that he's gone but we can't blame the kid, Clementine or Louis."

"Last time I checked, AJ pulled the fucking trigger."

As the two of them argued, the other kids joining in, Louis looked at Aaron's body, wanting to throw up. He couldn't help to think he was the blame. He knew that Aaron deserved this and he shouldn't be upset but he never agreed with killing people even if they were some sort of threat. She had to give it to AJ, if he hadn't thought fast, Louis would be dead or at least have a pierced chest. He raised from the ground, joining AJ and Clem. AJ was still hiding behind Clem.

"You know what, I'm done," Dawn said, storming off and back to her room.

"Look, dude, I'm sorry... okay." Louis sighed. He went to face Jules. "I would be completely devastated if someone killed my best friend. But you have to understand that if AJ wouldn't have done something then... I would be dead."

"I rather it be that way."

Louis' eyes squinted.

Liam spoke up. He was the main one trying to cool down the argument between Dawn and Jules as the others joined in but he couldn't take any more of Jules' bickering. "The only reason he's so submissive to all of this is because he helped Aaron plan the whole thing." Everyone gasped.

"Shut up!" Jules said.

"Now his partner in crime is gone."

"Are you serious?" Clem said, stepping face to face with Jules.

He shrugged. "He's my best friend. What was I supposed to do not help him?"

"YES!" Everyone yelled.

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads to a blood curtailing scream from the rooms.

"We'll continue this later," Louis said, squinting his eyes at Jules and joining the others as they ran upstairs.

"What's going o—" Aasim said, his words quickly coming to a halt when seeing a walker hovering over Dawn as she fought them off.

"Oh no," Clem mumbled, everyone behind her stopping in their tracks as well.

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