Chapter 27

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The evening had fallen and the kids all gathered around the canopy to receive their meals.

The following events hadn't been anything special. Clem tried to stay her distance from Aaron and instead go talk to Dawn to build a better relationship as well as to test her loyalty. For all Clem knew, Dawn could go running to Sebastian to tell him their plans to rebel.

At the dinner table, Clementine told the Ericson kids her plans. She was relieved when she found out Louis had had the same ideas but saddened when she saw the material on his hands from his broken fingers.

"What about Minnie?" Clem asked as she munched on the carrots they were served that night, still discussing their escape plans.

"She said she won't help us." Louis responded, remembering the way she violently grabbed his collar and threatened him.

"What?!" Violet said.

"She thinks if we do this, we're going to get more people killed," Louis said.

"She's okay?!" Clem and Louis' eyebrows raised when they realized that Violet still didn't know if her lover was okay or not. For all Violet knew was, Minnie was nowhere to be found. The feeling must have been dreadful for her. Not knowing if Louis was okay for less than 24 hours almost drove Clem into a spiral.

"Yeah. She's fine," responded Clem. "She's serving as their nurse, I think."

Violet let out a relieved sigh. "I need someone to punch me."

"Uh, why?" Louis asked, raising one eyebrow.
She rolled her eyes. "I would love for it to be the other way around but if she's working there, I have to see her. And the way to do that is getting hurt."

"We're not punching you, Vi," Clem said, shaking her head.

Though all this escapee talk was thrilling, Louis still couldn't get the things that Minnie had said yesterday, off of his mind. He had to ask Clem about the accusations. It may not seem like the moment right now. Maybe the dorm was a good place.

Clem turned the conversation back on track. "Good news. I saw Javi in the woods. He found us somehow. He's going to help too." Something else popped up in her mind. "Liam, one of the soldiers is the biggest help. He's going to try and talk his friends into helping as well. He said—"

"How the hell can we trust him?!" interrupted an irritated Aasim. "This whole plan is going to backfire. How will we know when the other camp is going to attack? How will we know when the heard is going to hit? How will we know if these fucking people are even an ounce bit trustworthy?" Clem had to give it to him; they were all great questions.

"Liam was the one to bring up the idea of escaping. If anyone can help us it's him."

"I say we give it a shot," spoke up Ruby. She slightly touched Aasim's arm, then giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll do anything to get away from here."

The group continued to eat their meals still talking about the plot holes of the plan.

"How're your fingers?" Clem said looking down at the material wrapped around his fingers.

"Well, they're the best they can be for broken fingers." He rubbed the cloth around them. "Still hurts like hell."

"Where did you sleep last night?"

"They have separate cells in the dorms. I stayed in there. What about you."

"The basement cell again." She sighed. "I can't believe that I've let this happened. I should've thought of a plan earlier. Then none of yesterday would've happened."

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