Chapter 38 (THE END)

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*WARNING: This chapter is over 9000 words long*

"We're almost home!" Brody cheered as she hopped up and down and clapped. The group of friends slowly walked towards the bridge, Tenn then peaking over and running back towards Minnie. "There's no way," he said shaking his head.

"It's not that bad," Clem said, trying her best to be optimistic. They couldn't give up now that they were so close to home. She peaked over the side, cringing a bit herself. "I think it'll hold us all fine. We just have to quick." She turned around to face the group once again, all of them holding obvious doubt on there faces.

"Can we get across another way?" Aasim asked, cautious as ever.

"That'll take to much time," Minnie responded.

"Well there won't be any means of time if we all fall to our death," he replied aggressively, crossing his arms. Dawn patted his back and held him softly, slightly surprising most of the group.

"I think we can do it," Louis finally said. "It's now or never and I know we all want to get back to the home so let's just do it." Everyone looked at him cluelessly other than Clem who quietly cheered. The atmosphere became very awkward very quickly.

They all sucked it up and agreed to get the smallest ones across, which included Tenn, Willy and of course AJ. "You all okay?" Clem yelled across.

"Yep," AJ responded, the rest of them nodding.

Clem placed her hands on her hips. "Who's next?" The remaining group stayed quiet like shy little sheep. "Fine," Clem sighed. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and took one step across the bridge. Like any other person crossing an old rickety bridge, she had her doubts and couldn't help to look down to see a stone floor looking like it lead to a cave with a puddle of water right in the center... right below her. Right as she was about to join AJ on the other side, she heard a small little crack like a twig and a loose plank fell through and landed at the bottom, smashing right as it hit the ground. Sadly the plank wasn't the only thing that fell through; Clem's foot wasn't so lucky either.

"Shit," she cursed, falling halfway through the bridge, making sure to clench her fingers tightly to the remaining wood. Everyone raced over then stopping at the edge of the bridge not wanting to meet the same fate. Well everyone except for Louis.

"Clem," he said with the rest of them. He knelt next to her, taking his hand in hers. AJ joined him as well and together they pulled her out...

That was until Tenn ran over as well. "Clem no!" He yelled, then slipping on a dewy slab and falling on his knees. This of course brung way to much pressure on the following planks and they fell to the ground as well, making the only force that held her body up collapse and with it, she fell. Tenn's accident also caused Lou's hand to slip and he let go of Clem's hand, putting them to his face in shock as he saw his girlfriend fall to what he presumed would be her death. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Clem said in a panic as she tried to hold onto something as she felt her body fall it was no use. She fell through the bridge.

"NOOOOOO!!" She yelled as she fell. Closing her eyes when scared to see what came next. Everyone else joined in her screams.

Splash! She blinked her eyes open, somewhat in doubt, scared to wake up in the afterlife which she presumed would be hell. But her stomach flipped in joy when seeing she was laying in ice-cold water. Even if she hadn't died from the fall she surely was going to die from hypothermia. She looked up to the bridge she fell through and her eyes widened when seeing Louis and the rest of her friends looking over the bridge.

"Are you okay Clem!" Marlon yelled.

"No, Dipshit!" Violet snapped. "She fell four stories."

Clem let out a small chuckle then got up but was stopped when falling after feeling unbearable pain in her leg. Of course, she had fallen on it after it was already damaged enough. "Shit," she mumbled. She looked up to the bridge and yelling to her friends. "It seems like everything's in one piece except for my leg... again." She studied her surroundings, getting a bit tense when seeing the dense and dark caves around her. "You guys head to the school. I'll... try and find a way out or maybe climb out if I have to."

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