Chapter 12

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The three teens arrived back to the school, each carrying a bag of spice plants. They placed them on the table and went their separate ways. Gabe went to go chat with Javi about his mistake, Louis went to go vent to Marlon, and Clementine ran over to AJ and Tenn to see his new piece of artwork. AJ was really becoming a true artist.

"Can you believe him? The sick fucking-"

"Louis!" Marlon yelled. Louis and Marlon were talking in Marlon's office. Well, Louis was more so yelling and venting to him about Gabe. "Calm down. I should've never partnered you guys together if I had known that he liked Clem."

"Yeah, who's idea was that anyway?" Louis had calmed down a bit more and sat down on top of Marlon's desk. This seemed to be the new place where Louis spilled the details about him and Clem.

"Ruby's." Marlon responded. "She thought we could add the new recruits into the scouting schedule. I should've suspected something." Marlon sighed. "Sorry man."

Louis shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, I guess people can't get enough of Clem. Am I right? She has two guys fighting over her and even Violet seems to really like her." Marlon chuckled.

"Of course everyone loves Clem, she's amazing." Yes she is. Louis paused for a second and glanced over to Marlon. "Wait, you don't like her do you?"

Marlon waved his hands up in defense. "No, no, no dude. She's all yours." Marlon smirked. "And Gabe's."

"Shut up." Louis said, chuckling. He sighed. "I wish we could just toss him out to the walkers. He's only caused trouble." He slumped his shoulders.

"Well, make everything better, the best way you know how, Lou."

The idea popped in Louis' head. "A game!"

"Exactly. Now your thinking. But, with my help."

"Thanks, Marlon." Louis walked out and into the courtyard, waving his cards around with Marlon not far behind.

"Anyone up for a game?" Louis yelled. He was starting to get on Gabe's nerves with the game stuff. Well, more than he already got on Gabe's nerves. Everyone headed over to the benches, where they usually eat dinner. Javi had taken the hint from the last game, and stayed out of it.

Instead he pushed Gabe's shoulder towards the benches and played with Rosie instead.  Violet, AJ, Tenn, Marlon, Louis, Clem, Aasim, Mitch, and Willy decided to play.

"So what are we playing this time Lou?" Violet asked leaning her head on her hand.

"I was thinking that we switch it up a bit, make things interesting." Gabe walked over right as he finished his sentence. Louis gave Gabe a bit of a side glance but continued what he was going to say. "So we're playing 'tell your past.'" Louis waved his hands in front of him, drawing out the words. Everyone looked at him with confused faces.

"The person with the highest card has to ask the person with the lowest card about something that happened earlier in their life. Pretty simple." He started to shuffle the cards.

Gabe scoffed. "Sounds like a pretty lame game."

Louis shook off his remark. "Trust me, it's gonna get interesting." He glanced over to Clem. "Very interesting."

Everyone passed around the cards taking the first one that was in the deck. Tennessee had the lowest and AJ had the highest. "So I just ask a question about the past?" He asked Clem.

"Yep." She responded.

"Ok Tenn... How did you get that," he pointed to the scar on the side of his face. "on your face?"
Tenn looked down to floor. Everyone that knew the story sighed.

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