Chapter 23

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This chapter is kind of graphic. Sorry

Clementine and Aaron continued to seize their tasks for the day. Clem was getting a bit bored and decided to see if anyone was available to check out her cheek and because she didn't really want to be near Aaron anymore. She opened the armory door, leaving Aaron behind. "Hey what are you-" was the last thing she heard him say before she slammed the door behind her.

Clem was surprised to see Marlon working outside with Aasim. Aasim was cutting logs while Marlon stood beside him and "encouraged" his work ethic. She gave a slight wave to them, as she passed continuing to head to the clinic. She was abruptly stopped by someone grabbing her arm. It was Marlon.

"Clem what the fuck?" He said sternly, letting go of Clem's arm and turning her around.

"What?" She asked. "Oh I know I don't have anyone with me. I'm just that much of a badass." She smirked at her words.

But Marlon didn't laugh. He stayed scowling at her with his hands on his hips. What is his problem? "Clem, that's not what I'm talking about. Don't play dumb." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "How could you do this to Louis?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Then it hit her. She glanced back over to the building she had just exited. There were two large windows right next to the wall. Right next to the place where she and Aaron had exchanged the kiss.

"So, I didn't see you making out with that guy in there?" He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer.

"I can explain."

"Yeah, you can explain perfectly to Louis when I tell him that you were kissing other guys."

"Please don't. It's not what it looks like." She let out a frustrated sigh. "Just believe me when I tell you that I didn't want to kiss Aaron. He's a dick."

"So Aaron is his name? Okay." His tone was harsh. "So you being pushed up against the wall, all close to him, is you not wanting to kiss him? Yeah, sure."

"Marlon, I'm trying to protect Louis."

"Protect him from what, heartbreak? Cause you're sure not doing a good job." He turned away from her. "I don't know if Louis has told you this Clem but he..." he paused, letting out another frustrated sigh. "He really cares about you okay. And I don't want my best friend to... he needs someone right now."

Clem shifted her eyes away from Marlon. She had to make sure to get to the clinic or she was going to get in trouble and she would've kissed Aaron's disgusting lips for nothing.

"Marlon, I-I have to go." He shook his head at the girl as she walked off to the clinic.

"I have to tell him." Marlon turned back to continue his work with Aasim.

Clementine continued her journey to the clinic, walking into a white but rusted building. Inside was nice, but still damaged from the effects of the apocalypse. In their were a few soldiers. Either getting wounds looked at or working themselves.
She sat herself in a series of chairs across the walls.

She wasn't that certain on how the system worked here. It probably was like a regular doctor's office but she hadn't been to those in a very long time.
She waited for any kind if "service" for about five minutes until she was approached by who she then recognized to be... Minerva?

"Minnie?" Clem said, raising her head to look at the red headed girl who had to much of a straight face. "Where have you been all this time?"

"Why are you not to work?" She said. Her voice was stern. It hardly had any emotion in it, like some sort of robot.

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