Chapter 5

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Clem POV

Since I went with Violet yesterday, I decided to go with Louis and Aasim. Aasim always went hunting for some reason. AJ came with me as well. I took in consideration about what he had told me last night. He really meant it and realize that I had been ditching him since we've gotten here. But I also was glad that he was getting closer to Tenn.

"Glad to see you decided to hang out with me and Aasim today," Louis said smiling at me. "Sorry if Vi made you a bit depressed yesterday."

"Oh, she didn't," I said defending her. "We actually had a really good talk yesterday about...Things." I put my head down reminiscing about what she had told me, about Louis and how he 'liked me.' Did I like him too?

"Oh spill the beans." He said leaning against my shoulders. "I can keep a secret."

"Nope, not telling."

"A girl that doesn't tell a soul. I love it."

AJ chimed in. "Where are the beans?"

He asked. We all looked at him strangely. "The beans?"

"Louis said he was going to spill beans. I don't see any." He started looking around Louis. "Is it in your coat?" We all chuckled at his remark.

"Its a metaphor, AJ. It means to tell a secret." I stated. "Louis wants me to tell the secret that Violet and I were talking about yesterday, spilling the beans."

"Ooh, I want to know the secret." He said jumping up and down.

"So do I," Louis said jumping up and down with AJ. I looked at them and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Aasim a little help here," I said.

"Clem since is your first time hunting, make sure you watch out for traps." He looked back at Louis and AJ still jumping. "You too Louis. I don't want to have to go through more trouble getting you out a snare cause you're going around doing dumb shit with the kid."

Louis placed a hand to his chest and stopped jumping. AJ joined him. "I'm hurt Aasim. I'm basically a ninja. Skilled in the form of martial arts." He said making hand motions.

"You too, I thought I was the only one," I said making the same hand motions.

"Meet too," AJ said.

"Oh my god. I don't need more Louis.' I thought you were going to take this seriously, Clem."

"I am. But like Louis says, its not a bad thing to have a little fun." We locked eyes for a second.

"Better watch out Aasim. You've got a whole family of ninjas on your hands. And they all are badass. Especially the mom, training her son to be the equivalent badass." He winked at me.

"I don't know about the dad. He seems like the weakling of the group." Aasim said.

"Yeah, your right," Louis said. He was agreeing? "He's to busy talking to his best friend Chairles." He raised the chair leg to his shoulder and let it rest there till we met our destination.

"Oh god, please don't," I said, facepalming.

"What? It's true. In my defense I totally get things done, I would just like to maintain a cheerful smile, dashing good looks and my social-" I heard growling.

"Shut up a second." I cut him off.

We all stopped in our tracks. We approached the noise slowly. It was a walker that had been caught in one of the traps and was hanging upside down.
Louis let down his guard as so did everyone else.

"Wow look at this guy, he's like a walker piñata."

Aasim was getting more annoyed by the second. "Kill it, cut the snare and let's go." He started walking to the bushes with the rabbits. But he looked back at Louis. "You can help me hunt or you can hang around this idiot and starve." He continues to walk to the bushes, leaving me behind.

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