Chapter 35

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Louis giggled as he continued to receive various kisses from the love of his life.
"I'll take that as a... no?"

Clem finally stopping kissing him and caressed his cheek. To everyone's surprise, she punched him in the arm.

"Ow!" He squealed, rubbing his shoulder. "Still freezing cold here."

"That's for scaring me," Clem said with furrowed brows.

Louis held a smug smile on his face. "I'm sorry for scaring you Clemster. And I'm sorry that I was—" Interrupting him, Clem took him by the collar and smashed their lips together, enduring in a long kiss that caused some of the others to howl.
She pulled them apart, her cheeks a light shade of red. "And that's to say I forgive you," she stuttered.

"And... I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes, still keeping a gentle smile on her face.

Louis' cheeks burned red as he held that smug smile on his face. "Uh, can we have arguments more often?" he asked, earning a giggle from Clem. He cupped her cheek and pulled her into a kiss

Violet sighed. "We get it. You guys made up. Now you can stop making out in front of us."

They pulled apart. "Did you forget, we have to remind the readers that this is a romance book," Louis said. Everyone raised a brow. "Oh, I almost forgot." He sat up and reached into his coat pocket pulling out the apple that Violet had given him earlier. "I remembered you liked apples."

Clem's eyes widened. "How is everyone finding apples except for me?" Clem said in frustration.

Louis giggled. "It's just Violet. She said giving you an apple would make you fall madly back in love with me," Louis said sarcastically.

Clem whipped her head around to Violet. "So you lied to me?" Violet shrugged. "And giving me an apple is the stupidest idea ever."

"That's what I said," Louis and Marlon in sync.

Clem playfully rolled her eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I'm taking it." She took it out of Louis' hands, almost taking a bite when stopping and giving Louis a gentle smile. "Thanks, Lou." She kissed him on the cheek and took a bite of her apple.

Violet cleared her throat, gaining Clem's attention. "It was me who actually found the apples so can I have a kiss too?" Violet asked, giving a smirk.
Minerva scowled. "Hey!"

. . .

Clem and AJ wandered the log cabin that they had taken shelter in. Louis was still getting warm by the fire and the others were keeping company.

They wondered the halls that were filled with broken glass and windows along with scattered torn paper and little scraps of dirt. The walls were covered in white paint though most of it had been scraped off and the doors were so broken and busted that you didn't even need to knock to know what the other person was doing on the other side.

Clem thought that the school was in bad shape. It was nowhere near this.

"This place is pretty fucked up," AJ murmured, surprising Clem by his surprising swear.

"You said it kiddo." She sent AJ a smile.

AJ's eyes widened as he realized he had gotten away with his swear. "It's like a fucking rotting shithole," he said again.

Clem raised a brow. "That's a bit much don't you think? Lighten up on the swears a bit."

"So I can swear?" AJ asked, joy in his voice

"Yes, but don't go overboard."

AJ smiled to himself following along with a little dance. "Okay." They continued talking as they walked throughout the hallways. "So you know Sebastian?" AJ asked.

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