Chapter 26

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Louis had been dragged to the clinic to have his wounds fixed. He was worried sick about Clementine. He couldn't but feel that all this was his fault. There was no one to blame but himself for his injuries. He couldn't get the image out of his mind of Clem crying when he came back to consciousness. The look on her face... all because of him and his stupid ideas.

The guards plopped him onto a medical bed, for him to wait for a nurse to tend to his wounds. His left hands hurt like hell and his eye desperately stinging. The door was shut harshly but then shortly reopened with a few more soldiers pushing a girl only to be recognized as Minerva.

"Louis?!" She said, making her way over to the bed. "What the fuck happened!?"

He scoffed. "You don't know? I thought it would be the buzz of the town."

"No I didn't hear anything. Wait, Aaron didn't do this did he? He's such a fucking idiot." She made her way over to a white cupboard, taking out alcohol and a piece of cloth.

The question threw him off for a bit. Aaron? What would Aaron have against him? "What does Aaron have to do with any of this? We've only talked once."

Minnie pours the alcohol onto the cloth then placing it onto Louis' injured eye.
She sighs. "Louis... Aaron likes Clem and... he's the complete opposite of you. He's not just going to wait for a yes or no answer or become shy. He's going to get what he wants whether you exist or not."

He lets out a slight chuckle then turning into bellowing laughter. "You've gotta be kidding," he says through his laughter.

Minnie kept her straight face, making Louis' smile fall. "Wait, you're not kidding?"

She patted his eye gently. "Uh no. He's kind of been going around saying that they're dating."

His blood started to boil. Did Clem approve of this? No, she wouldn't... would she? Louis was never that confident in himself. He always thought he wasn't worth anything and was very aware of how much of a screw up he was. Sometimes he even felt like he didn't deserve Clementine. He wouldn't be surprised if she started to like someone else, he never thought of himself as enough.

Minnie noticed the sad look that grew on his face. "But don't worry she obviously doesn't like him," she said hurriedly, trying her best to not get the boy down. She picked up his fingers taking two metal bars and pressing them against his broken fingers. She slightly nudged them to try and place them back in the right place.

"Ow!" he screeched, moving his hand a bit more than he needed to.

"Sorry just stay still." She rapped to pieces of cloth around the metal bars, tying them tight. She patted him on the shoulder to signal that she was done. "So, you never told me who did this to you."

Louis' uninjured hand turned to a fist. "That fucking psycho anthropomorphic crab."


"You know like Sebastian the crab from that mermaid movie? You ever see that as a kid?"

"No. Wasn't really into princess movies." She shook her head. "Back to what happened. What did Sebastian do?"

Louis told Minerva about everything that had happened. The "date" that he had planned; them being taken to Sebastian's office; him almost getting his tongue cut out and the main event with Louis being tortured and what he thought had gone down while he was unconscious. 

She placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Shit," she paced the room. "I can't believe this. I'm really sorry." She sighed. "I've felt like all I've been saying is sorry for the past 4 days. If I could help you I would it's just..."

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