Chapter 20

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OH MY GOD! 5000 reads! Thank you guys so much for the love and the votes, the comments. EVERYTHING.

Clementine opened her eyes, finding herself in one of the boat cells. They were a bit different to the other boats cells but they also had their similarities.

There weren't any tallied marks on the walls and the floor was filled with more and harder metal.
She moved her hands to sit up since she was leaning on the wall. But something stopped her she looked up to find her hands handcuffed to a bar on a wall above her. What the fuck?

She couldn't move to the door of the cell to see if her boys and the other kids were alright. Were the rest of them handcuffed like this? She tried her best to fiddle with them to see if they would unhook but no luck.

Louis heard the rattling in the cell. He was so scared that Clem wouldn't wake up again. She had been knocked out for a while now almost 45 minutes. That guy hit her really hard. It took everything in Louis' power to not punch the asshole right there and then.

The group had been split up into all different cells. There were around six. Clem had been placed in one by herself so no one would attempt to get the handcuffs off of her. When Sebastian had handcuffed her, he had put it as, "She's to much trouble to have her hands free." Whatever that meant.

Louis had been placed in a cell with AJ. Omar had been placed in a cell with Aasim and Marlon. Violet had been placed in a cell with Minerva and Brody.

Willy had been placed in a cell with Ruby and Tennessee. Violet wasn't a big fan of being in a cell with Brody. She had to deal with every single panic attack that she came across. And there were a lot considering the circumstances they were in but Minnie tried her best to handle it.

"Clem." Louis called, not sure if he heard correctly with the metal of the handcuffs hitting the bar above her.

She thought she heard a familiar voice. She let out a sigh of relief when she realized it was Louis. Thank, God he was safe. "Louis?" She asked anxiously, leaning forward as far as the handcuffs would let her.

"Oh my god, Clem, I thought you would never wake up." He also let out a sigh of relief when he heard her voice, but sadly still not seeing her beautiful face.

"I'm fine. How long was I out?"

"Almost an hour."

"Shit." She murmured under her breath. "Where's AJ? Is he safe."

"He's fine. He's in the cell with me."

"Thank god. Are you guys handcuffed too?" She didn't think so, from how clearly she could hear his voice.

"No. He was getting a bit irritated at your determining yet irrational efforts to escape."

She giggled. "What's up with the big words."

"I'm just reciting what he said. Guy really wants to be a teacher in the apocalypse." He chuckled at his own words.

She did the same, letting out a slight sigh. "Louis?"


"Where did the day go?"

"I don't know, Clementine. Just... things always turn so bad."

"Yeah, no kidding. This morning we're having fun in the lake and now we're in cells handcuffed to the wall. Things can never just... stay good anymore."

They both let out a long sigh of frustration.
"Clem, I... actually never mind."

"What?" she said, leaning from the wall the best that she could to see her boyfriends face.

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