Chapter 24

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Here's a fluffy, not-so-horribly-triggering chapter to make up for the intense ones. This chapter is also shit so.... I have fun!

Clem stood there, starstruck. She couldn't recall the last time someone other than AJ had told her that they loved her. The feeling that those few words gave her was indescribable.

She just stood there, not saying anything. Shit! Did I say it to soon? Louis thought in his mind. What if she didn't say it back or felt the same way.


"I love you too." Clem admitted. She felt as if she's loved him all along, even before the words came out of her mouth. The way that he made her feel was something that no one else could provide for her and even in the darkest moments, he always found a way to make her smile or laugh. "I just didn't know how to tell you."

His straight expression turned into a smile and followed along with the feeling of heat growing in his cheeks. He let out the slight chuckle he always did when he was nervous. Clem found it so adorable. "Well... I guess that settles it. We're both in lOvE." Louis wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

Clem playfully rolled her eyes. "You're such a weirdo," she said through her little giggles.

"Yeah but obviously you really dig that so who's the real weirdo here? I think it's us lOvE birds."

Clementine then remembered that they were still in the middle of the camp, obviously not doing there work. She didn't want both of them to get in trouble.

"I should go. I've got other duties to tend to."

"Well you wouldn't want to miss that. Sounds like way too much fun."

"Nowhere close."

Louis pulled Clem into his arms, not ever wanting to let go of the beautiful girl he loved. She pulled away, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I love you, Clemster."

"Love you back... weirdo." Clem walked her separate way back to the armory, leaving Louis with a big grin on his face.

. . .

Clem arrived back to the armory where Aaron was continuing his work. His table was almost done while Clem's was almost done as well but not as much as Aaron's because of her switch of tables earlier that day. She quickly got to work, not wanting to find out what would happen if she didn't complete everything on her selected table.

Aaron took note of the slightly large number of supplies that still laid on her station. "Need any help?" Aaron please... FUCK OFF!

"I think I can manage," Clem responded coldly, keeping her eyes on her own work.

"You think you can. Doesn't mean you can." He turned himself around to look at the girl.

She rolled her eyes, turning her neck to glance at the light skinned boy. "Fine. Let me rephrase that. I can manage... without you." She turned back around. Though she no longer wanted to talk to this creep, her curiousity got the best of her. "Your friend just got her arm sawed off. That doesn't bother you?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Things happen. People get bit. It's not that big of a deal."

"I understand that things have to be done; I've had to put down some of my friends. But she was begging to die, for him to just let her turn."

Aaron's tone became a but more defensive. "It's not what she wants, it's about what's good for the group and cutting off her arm is best for the Delta."

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