Chapter 29

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Ruby was bit

She finally got her hand free, taking the gun and shooting the walker right in its head. Ruby sighed, tired and overwhelmed by the occurring events.

She looked at her wrist staring at it for a while then shaking her head in denial and ran away from the scene to continue the fight.

"Shit!" Violet said, the five of them hiding behind a few bushes. "Ruby's bitten!"

Though this was a time of crisis, there were too many things happening around them right now and Clem knew she had to keep her cool.

"She is," Clem clarified, keeping a calm almost whisper-like voice. "And we'll handle it later, but this isn't the time to be panicking. There's hell going on all around us and the only thing we need to be focusing on right now is finding the others, hopping on that boat and getting the hell out of here."

Violet nodded, getting her breathing under control.
"I one hundred percent agree," Louis said, a bit more shaken up by Ruby's mishap than the others but he knew that everything Clem was saying was true.

Clem turned to face Liam, who was trying to duck from the gunshots that were mainly targeted at him. "Liam, I need you to try your best to make your way to boats. Louis, Vi, AJ and I will gather the rest of the kids. We'll get there when we get there."

Liam nodded, then reaching in his back pocket to get one of his walkie talkies. "Here, take this. I'll contact you when I get to the boats."

She took the walkie, then turning to the rest of the group. "See you all on the other side... and DON'T DIE!"

"We'll try our best," Louis said. Clem gave a gentle smile to him in return. Even in the middle of complete catastrophe, he always put a smile on her face.

Liam quickly scurried away keeping his crouch form and avoiding the gunfire heading his way.

Louis plopped in front of Clementine, catching her by surprise. "Right behind me?" He asked, a smile to plastered on his face from having the beautiful golden-eyed girl in front of him.

"Yep, just like the ninja I am," she responded.

"The ninjas we are." It warmed her heart how he still remembered the little play they had in the woods with all of them being "ninjas."

Without warning his lips met hers then pulling away shortly after. She mentally sighed from frustration. She was getting tired of all these quick kisses. All she wanted to do was take Louis into a secluded place, grab him by the trench coat, smash her lips into his and kiss him til the sun's next rise.

"Uh, barf," Violet said, rolling her eyes. "Can we go?"

Louis giggled. "Don't be jealous Vi. Just because your lover is trying to kill us all doesn't mean you have to ruin our fun."

"I think that's the point," she said coldly. "And she isn't trying to kill us so such your goddamn mouth." Her fingers were only a few centimeters from his face making him lean back a bit.

"Okay, sorry I brought it up," Louis said, bringing his hands up in defense.

Clem rolled her eyes at the childishness. "AJ is more mature than you two."

Louis shrugged his shoulders. "I accept this."
Clem dashed into the gunfire, dodging each and every bullet, AJ falling close behind.

Louis and Violet stayed back. "And how the hell does she expect us to do that?" Violet said, crossing her arms.

"Just try not to die," Louis said, going into the gunfire and following behind AJ and Clem. Surprisingly he made it to the other side without any injuries though he was sure he would get a heart attack from how fast his heart was racing.

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