Chapter 21

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"Clem!" Was the last thing she heard before she was pulled violently up the stairs by one of the guards she had never seem before. He also seemed to be a bit younger than the rest of them. He looked around eighteen. He had light brown, tan-like skin and buzz cut dark black hair on the sides. He wore a green vest with a brown long sleeve sweater under it.

Sebastian led them to another building this one looking like a run down office building and that's exactly what it was. She was escorted through a series of doors before they finally got to Sebastian's wanted destination. There was a huge office desk with chairs on each side. On the walls of the room, there were files stacked on files in between the shelves of the bookcases. Sebastian sat down in the bigger office chair, looking out to the rest of the room.

"Sit. Down. Darlin." His voice was sinister and disapproving.

She crossed her arms but did as he said, with the other guard standing on the side of the door like a statue. "Aaron makes sure she doesn't pull anything," he said to the young boy standing at the door.

He leaned on the desk, continuing to glare at the girl in front of him. "Where's your hat, girlie?" His tone still sinister and gravely.

"Why do you need to know?" She shot back.
Her response made Sebastian laugh in return. "Okay darlin this'll"-

"It's Clementine. Not girlie, not darling, not fucking sweetheart." She never liked being called anything other than Clementine or Clem. It reminded her to much of Lee and Kenny, who always called her some kindhearted nickname. She didn't want to be reminded about them by some evil man that enjoyed stealing kids to make them fight.

She squinted her eyes at him to strengthen her message.

"Alright, Clementine, where's your hat?"

"I don't think that's important to you."
The smile from his face disappeared and he slammed his hand on the desk. "I'm only going to ask you one more time Clementine. WHERE. IS. YOUR. HAT!"

Even though his harsh tone did make her frightened and jump a bit in her seat, she kept her cool, 'not having it' face. "Fuck you-"

He he stood up in his chair. "I'm not fucking around, Clementine."

"I didn't say that you weren't." She broke the stare between the two. Clem could hear the gasps behind her from Aaron who seemed shocked at her bravery to talk back to Sebastian.

"ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" His voice now seemed to echo throughout the whole building.

"Fine. We were playing a game, okay. Are you going to get angry because we were trying to play a game when some asshole has us fucking locked in a basement?"

"This "game" had to involve lips being locked?"

Clem rolled her eyes and rested her head in her hand. "Why is this important to you? You want to join in?"

"I will not stand games to be played in my community, Clementine, when hard work she be done."

"Hard work shouldn't be done, when you're ordering kids to do it."

"We saved you. You were all going to die in the next few months if we hadn't saved you all!"

"Saved? Like you saved that boy when you shot him?!"

"I did that to get a message across. I am not playing around."

"What about the boy who's fingers you broke. How is he going to do "work" now?" Her voice was starting to raise with him.

"They'll be fixed in the next hour." He rubbed his nose in frustration at Clem's stubbornness. "Who's that boy to you?"

"Boy? There are a lot of boys around"-

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