Too perfect

Alex POV

My life is perfect now...too perfect...
I can't shake the feeling something bad will happen. There's a slight memory lingering in my mind. All I can remember is the face. A young girl, likely 11 or 12, with long brown hair, with bangs that fade darker until they're black. I don't know who she is, what we're doing, or where I was.

I had a feeling there was a reason I have this memory. I feel bad, something about her expression in me memory makes me guilty. Thing is, I forgot the memory for years, I just...remembered. I looked out the window of John and I's room. John ran toward the door. He ran into a girl, falling down. John apologized, but the girl helped him pick up his things. She had 2 suitcases with her, and talked with John before he lead her inside.

She was so familiar. I realized that John said he was going to hang out with a friend from his turtle rally. That's probably all she is. Right?

"Alex?"John called from down the hall. He ran up to our room, telling me to clean up.

I Pathetically shoved all my clothes into the drawer and laid a blanket over our bed."And this is my boyfriend: Alex."

The memory hit me in a flash. "I like your shirt!" A happy girl, with chocolate brown hair exclaimed. "Thanks."Smol Alex said shyly, hiding behind his book."Your shirt is blue! I like blue!"She repeated. Smol Alex blushed."I'm Abbigail, but you can call me Abby! What's your name?" "Alexander Hamilton.." He said quietly."Come play! You're it!"Abby pokes his arm. Alex chased her, trying to grab her shirt to slow her down. They ran down a hill. Abby swerved, Alex tripped over a kid. Alex apologized, and the three laughed.

"Hey! I'm Abbigail, but you can call me Abby!"

Abby POV
Alex was awkwardly shaking my hand. I wonder if he can remember that we both went to Manuel middle school. He seems dumbfounded.

The question is: Why is Alex so shocked? Find out in part 3!

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