Welcome to the 21st century

Jason POV

I've done it. I think I finally pulled my life together. I'm attending Columbia University for psychology. I have a part time job so I can save up for my apartment.

I can't express how many people have told me I'm an awful person. But I seem to be great with kids. I'm a babysitter.

Right now, I'm with one of the kids I babysit often. His name is Michael, he was really quiet when I met him. After I got to know him, I found out he loves dragons.

"And then, Scales was like 'you can't do dat!' And Ram goes 'yes I can!' And they fight n stuff 'nd it's like shaboom raaaa!" He described the latest episode of Dragon's Tails. (Totally not a knock-off)

"Woah! What ride do you wanna go on when we get to BeastLand?" I asked the excited child. His mother gave me forty dollars to get him a wristband and get him whatever extra. I had my own money to use, though.

"Hmm...what about the whip one? Like where it's like woosh! That's my favorite!" He said, swinging his hands. Good thing it was close to the window, so he didn't hurt anybody.

"Good idea!" I said. "That's my favorite, too!" I got a notification from the babysitting app on my phone.

Jeez that's a long name.

Herc POV

"Hey, babe? Did you hire the babysitter for James and Luna?" I asked. Somehow, everyone was busy the one time Laf and I wanted to go on a date.

"I found one with amazing reviews, I'm just waiting for him to respond." Laf informed me. "He accepted! He just finished a job."

"That's great! Everyone's left and we have to leave or we'll lose our reservation. Who's free? Oh yeah, Thomas. Alex refuses to let him babysit, but how bad can a few minutes be?" I shrugged.

Thomas POV

"You can leave as soon as the babysitter gets here. Thanks for coming because god forbid anyone else is free tonight." Hercules thanked.

"No problem. James is working so I have nothing to do." I told him. So Hercules and Laf left and I just kinda waited. The kids were playing with blocks in a little baby pen thing.

There was knock on the door. Ah, the babysitter. "Hello! Is this Marquis de Lafayette's house?" The blonde haired man asked. I slammed the door in his face. I quickly got my phone.

MacaroniMan: The babysitter came but there is no way I'm letting him in.

OuiOui: Why not?

MacaroniMan: That's fucking JASON.

MacaroniMan: There's no way I'm letting that guy in.

OuiOui: Jeez. He had fantastic reviews, though?

MacaroniMan: I'll talk to him.

I opened the door. "Nice to see you again." I growled.

"Huh? Oh, we must've gone to high school together. I only remember two people." He shrugged. "I don't have a bad memory or anything, I forced myself to forget it. I was going through some stuff."

"Who?" I'm certain he remembers Alex. There's no way he forgot.

"Nicholas and Finn. They taught me something I needed to learn. Nicholas taught me freshman year what being in a relationship was and Finn taught me how boys are supposed to act." He said proudly.

"Wait, what exactly did they teach you?" He doesn't remember Alex? That's impossible. And Alex didn't even move until sophomore year. What the fuck did Nicholas teach him?

"Nicholas taught me that the stronger person is in charge. The weaker person does what he wants even ic they hate it." Holy shit. No wonder this guy is fucked up. "Finn taught me that wearing skirts and makeup and all the things I liked freshman year, were wrong."

How the fuck did this guy make me feel bad for him?

"Well guess what? That's not how it works. Relationships need to have mutual love sand consent-"

"W-what's consent?" He asked. Holy shit how the fuck is this guy making me feel bad for him?

"Uh...it means both people agree..." I explained.

"Nicholas said it doesn't work that way. He couldn't have lied to me." Oh jeez this guy is making me fucking feel bad for him.

"Well everyone else knows that. He lied to you. And it's okay to wear skirts and makeup and anything else you like. It's 2019. You're allowed." I told him. Did he seriously not know these things?

"Really? You're not lying or playing some cruel, awful joke?" I shook my phone head.

"Do you have literally any form of social media on your phone?" I asked.

"No. I just have it to call and text and so I can get babysitting jobs easily." He shrugged.

"Gimme your phone 'cause I have no idea how that's possible." He gave me his phone. Once again, how the fuck is this dude making me feel bad for him? "There. You have Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, YouTube and Reddit. If you look at any of these, you'll see people being themselves."

"That doesn't sound real." He doubted. Honestly, how the fuckity fuck is this guy making me feel bad for him?

"Where's the rock, and who lifted it?" I asked sarcastically. By now, I'd brought him into the house.

"Tommy, I'm hungry!" James complained.

"Y'all want Mac 'n Cheese?" I asked. Luna and James 'yay'ed. So I sat at the table and introduced Jason to the 21st century once I finished the Mac and cheese. "So. What do you do nowadays?"

"Well I'm usually working because I don't have any friends." How. The. Fuck. Is. This. Guy. Making. Me. Feel. Bad. For. Him? "But I'm studying psychology at college. You?"

"I'm with James Madison. I go to college. Y'know. Normal stuff- Luna stop eating with your hands." Luna was mauling the Mac n cheese. James was eating Mac n cheese like a normal person.

"Nice." He said.

"Well, I have to leave. James will be done soon and I want to Uh..." I glanced at the smol children sitting next to us. "Talk with him..."

<Time skip brought to you by macaroni man>

John POV

Alex and I were out on a date. I love New York. As we approached the door we realized we were there first.

Ah shit. We have to pay, don't we?

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