
Eliza POV

I heard my phone ringing at 4 am. I answered, pouting. It may be the hospital.

"Eliza help me. How do I make Thomas sober?" It was James. Thomas was drunk. I told him it couldn't be that bad. "Eliza. He climbed a tree and screamed: 'I am the king of the forest! Hear me roar!' And then dog-barked. Naked. In Central Park."

"Fuck. Just leave him there, take his key and pretend he doesn't live with you." I told him. James sighed.

"Do you know anyone else would be willing to help?" James asked.

"Maria's basically insane with guilt. And all her boyfriends were shitty. So she's up." I told him.

I went back to sleep.

I woke abruptly from my dream. Herc was shaking me. "Hey...uh...you know those kids John saved?" I nodded tiredly. "They don't have anyone to take care of them. Which is probably why they weren't accounted for." He told me.

"Mon amo-" I cut myself and coughed awkwardly. "Mon ami, I am tried."

"Tried?" Herc laughed, standing up. I always mess up on English when I'm tired, he knows this.

"No. English. Speak." I slurred. Herc shrugged.

"I'm gonna have an emergency Kazoo Crew meeting for it."Herc informed me. We're still working on the name.

(Group chat name: 🎵Kazoo Crew🎵)

Muffin-man: emergency meeting NOW

Laffy-Taffy: Where?

GayAF: I know why

BurrIt'sChilly: Is everyone okay?

ChillPill: Almost

BurrIt'sChilly: What?

ChillPill: Amelia is hurt.

BurrIt'sChilly: No! How? Why?

Laffy-Taffy: Because we're in an angsty fanfic written by an angery 6th grade goblin.

OofCan'tSayNoToThis: What?

Jeffershit: What?

Mad hatter: Wtf

GayAF: Stop breaking the fourth wall

ANDPEGLEG: I am very confused.

ChillPill: I am sooo confused.

Alex POV
My phone was exploding again. I picked my phone. Herc has an emergency meeting. I walked off the footbridge I'd just stood on.

One unreasonably long meeting later

"Sooo we're adopting them. Also get anything illegal out of your room." Herc stated firmly. Surprisingly, only I didn't go up to my room. I just...left. 

I can't express how deep into Central Park I was. As I was walking I saw... Jefferson's shirt? Anyway, I kept walking. My days out of school and off work were spent as cuddle time. Maybe at least one of the kids will like me, and I can hug them and be better than life in the Caribbean.

I just hope Gideon treats him the right way. The forest is quiet as a mouse. Soon, Luna and J-James Jeckerson would be living with us. I choked at the name James. My brother.

Luna. What a beautiful name. I don't think I even met her. I come home once everyone's asleep, and leave before anyone's awake. I'll meet her later.

Luna and James Jeckerson. If everyone is adopting them, what will their last names be?

I found myself at the footbridge. I felt wind flow through the woods. The loose jacket I wore waved with the wind. I looked at the creek below me.

It was awful and beautiful at the same time. I was moving so quickly, but so smoothly. It was a blueish color, but still brown. Rocks were shimmering gently above the creek. It was rippling.

I don't know why I'm out here, I hate nature. I guess I just don't want to be near him. Every time I see him, I want him. And I can't even flirt because he is not open.

I cracked a smile. Jeckerson. I've heard that name, I just don't know where. I'm going to be there for them. I'll be co-dad. I wanna meet them.

<Time skip brought to you by Drunk Jefferson>

A dark haired small girl stepped forward gingerly. The boy tried to hide behind her, it was useless. The boy was older, and taller.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton." I told them, sticking out my hand. The boy's eyes glistened.

"The Alexander Hamilton? The Alexander Hamilton who wrote about the hurricanes and stuff?" James asked.

"Um...yeah," I confirmed. James gasped.

"You're like...my idle!!"He cheered. He looked as if he'd just been told he was going to the moon.

"Meet: The Kazoo Crew! We're still working on the title."

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