I'm sorry in advance.

Lafayette POV

I opened the closet to see a distraught, tear-stained, and shocked Jason.

One hand help a bottle. The other, pills he was shoving in his mouth.

I stood there, bewildered. He somehow hasn't noticed me. All I can manage is a small crack in my voice.

Jason jumped tensely and stared at me. I will never forget that look of horror plastered on his face.

I finally muster up the power to say something. "Jason! What are you doing?"

Jason responded with a voiceless shriek. He started sobbing harder.

"Jacey...Why would you do that?" I asked, bewildered.

"I-I hurt s-someone!" He choked out. "I d-des-serve it!" He sobbed. "I h-hurt Al-lex! I h-hu-hurt him!"

He slammed the door shut from the inside as I tried to comfort him. "No. You don't. You were a child."

"B-But wh-who else d-did I h-h-hurt? I c-can-an't r-reme-ember!" He cried.

"No one! Open the damn door!" I commanded. He still refused. "Hercules!"

"What's wrong?" Herc asked unknowingly.

"Use your mom friend powers!" I cried, pointing at the closet. "J-Jacey!"

"Jason..." Herc pressed his ear against the door. He pressed the palm of his hand on the lock, then smacked the door knob. The lock came undone and he opened the door.

Jason swallowed them.

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