Stay Alive Reprise


Amelia POV

How long have I been out? I feel fine. Like nothing ever happened.

"Ma'am," The doctor began, but seemingly to someone else. "We're not exactly sure if she's okay." I realized the was quite far, actually. I heard Maria wail.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She screamed. I yanked myself up. I couldn't let them feel hurt.

I took a deep breath. I remember what I told Evelyn.

My little sister was gasping for air, trying to breath. Panic attack. I ran over to her. "Breath in! 1-2-3-4-5 Out. 1-2-3-4- 5-6! That's right." She did it again until her breath steadied. I'm so glad we're away from him. Far away. Father. I don't think he deserves that name. He's no father. I hugged my sister. "You're okay, sis. I'll always be here to save you."

I coughed. It should be easier to breath. I can hear Evelyn gasp once she heard my cough. "Amelia!" She cheered. I grasped my little sister. Maria burst.

"Amelia!"She ran over, joining in the hugging. Her cheer turned into a sob. "I'm sorry! I-I-I-I didn't- I'm'" I silenced her.

"You didn't do anything!"I told her. She squeezed me tighter. She was the best friend I could ask for! Peggy hugged me quick, then grabbed her phone to call over the rest of the Kazoo crew. Before I knew it ten people burst in. Abby hugged me tighter than anyone else.

Alex POV

"Hey do we sort of adopted 2 kids." Luna hid behind me. James brightly smiled. He sure did grow out of his shyness.

"How fucking long have I been out?" Amelia gasped.

"Not that long!" I laughed. "We just adopted these two!"

"Oh. Still!" She laughed. "Hey, kiddo."She waved at Luna, who was now completely behind me.

"Oh shi-shoot!" He corrected himself. He didn't want to 'teach the kids swear words' useless if you ask me. Why are certain words bad and others aren't? "I gotta go!"

John POV
On my way to class, I cut through Central Park. I passed a creek. I watched in...sorta disgust? I don't like it. It's too fast. If I dropped a leave in there, it'd be torn to pieces.

"Present!" I shouted, making it in the moment the professor said my name. I took a seat quickly. Fuck. I sat next to the jerks. Not like minorly jerks, like Thomas or James, they were like toddlers.

"Hey, fag." One of them flicked in the back of the head. I breathed deeply to try and ignore them. "Hello? I was talkin to you! Ya feel like talking?"

"Shut up for once." I growled, teeth clenching.

"Why were ya late, faggy?" He teased pathetically.

"Oh wow, so original. Never heard that one before. You want a gold star for that suuuuper original insult?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You're a sin. A failure. Nothing. Sinner." Another said.

"You can't just cherry pick the Bible for the stuff you want to believe!" I retorted.

"We don't do that!" The third one snapped.

"Oh yeah? You have a tattoo on your arm." I said, turning to her. "You marked your body, you're goin to hell." I turned to the second boy. "Your parents are divorced. So, your mom has to die."

"How the fuck do you know about that!?" He hissed. This is getting fun.

"Oh, hun. I know everything about everyone. Heidi," I turned to the blonde haired girl. "You made out with Charles Lee in a graveyard. That's so disrespectful." She looked uncomfortable. I love revenge.  I turned to the first boy. "You can't tease someone you've known all your life. You're a hypocrite, Jakey." I know he hates being called that. I know everything.

"What're you talkin' about?" He snarled, angered that insulted them all. I took a deep breath.

"Jake Kackleson kissed Teddy Kipson in 11th grade!" I yelled, loud enough for the whole class to hear. Everyone burst into laughter. Almost no one was homophobic, but the irony was hilarious.

"Nobody knew that but you!" He screeched. "I still don't even know how you knew!"

"I told you, Jakey! I know everything about everyone! I'm the Gretchen Weiners of New York!" I yelled at him.

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