The meeting

Jason POV (Am I giving him too much attention?)

I scrolled through my phone's contacts. Yikes. I don't know 90% of these names.

I could feel my heart start to race. I could feel myself tense. Nicholas's number. I always trusted him, but then Thomas showed my Law & Order...the things he made me do with him were so awful and actually illegal. I never liked it.

Fuck Nicholas. He's sick. Mentally. He needs a fucking therapist!

Oh wait I'm a therapist. Should I...try to help him?

Jason: Hi. I'm Jason.

Nicholas: I know

Jason: It's been a while, hasn't it?

Nicholas: too long

Jason: Do you want to hang out?

Nicholas: Where Im in New York.

Jason: Same. There's a McDonald's on 8th street. Would you like to meet there? I'm free most of the time.

Nicholas: See you in 10

Jason: okay.

I grabbed my drawstring bag off the desk. It has all the stuff I need for classes. It's really weird that we never really go to classes, huh?

I sat in the McDonald's, drinking the milkshake I got. I got out my textbook to read from. In psychology, it's important to-

"Hi, Jason." Nicholas waved to me from across the restaurant. I forgot how terrifying he was. His eye color was so weird, it was bright yellow. He had blonde hair with a green streak.

"Um...Hi, Nicholas." I greeted. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you, too." He nodded. His hands were stuffed in his pockets. He sat down across from me and I involuntarily tensed. "How've you been?"

"Oh, um. I'm studying psychology." He seemed surprised. "I found some friends." He seemed almost shocked. Which honestly offended me. "You?"

"Um," He looked away. "I've been doing...nothing."

"Yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes. "Surely nothing. Not like you're known for being secretive or anything."

"When did you get so talkative and sarcastic?" Nicholas half-snapped.

"Since I stopped being weak." I hissed. Nicholas got a flash of realization in his eyes.

"Then why did you want to see me?" He seemed genuinely curious.

"Why? Why did you do those things to me? Why did you tell me that? Why did call me those things?" I growled.

"I don't know! Because I could? Because I was bored? I don't know!" He exclaimed. "I just did!"

"How can you not know?" I yelled at him. My voice turned to a whisper so no one could hear me. "How can you rape someone and not know why?"

Instead of answering, he left. He was too ignorant to understand. Whatever. I should keep studying.

In psychology, it's important to listen to the reasoning of your client. They may not have realized what they did. In most cases, there was a trouble in their life that may have traumatized them. Questioning may come as threatening if answers are ignored.

Oh shit. That's not his story, though. I saw his house. His mother, his father, his brother, and all his 14 electronics. He isn't fucking Heather Chandler. He wasn't Heathers popular.

Lafayette POV

I walked through the bookstore in search for something. Maybe a cookbook or how to book? I'm not sure.

I picked up a book near the top of the shelf. Love Triumphs. There's a description on the back.

Lol it's gay.

The world today is amazing. Same sex marriage is legal. People can be free. Love triumphs all.

Or does it?

This is the story of Anais Couture, a 15-year old feminist and activist, trying to break down the walls.

And Sophie HartSon, a 15 year-old activist trying to prove herself to those who've doubted her.

Seems interesting. Apparently it was taken from...Wootpot?

I turned to a random page. "Salope, s'il te plaît." I mumbled. "Je peux parler anglais, connard. J'aime juste confondre les gens."

It's in French? I flipped through. Some was French, most was English. Anais, huh?


Gotta get that self promo.

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