

3rd person POV(that's a bad sign)

Jason was sketching in his notebook. Sometimes stopping to stare at Alex. Alex was visibly uncomfortable.

"Will you stop staring at me?" Alex finally snapped.

"I-uh- Well, I-Um...S-Sorry! I-I'm sorry! I-I di-didn't realize I-I'm sorry!" He freaked. He dug his face into his knees. Thomas glared at Alex.

"It's okay, Jacey. Alex, a word." Thomas challenged.

"What?" Alex asked once they got outside.

"Will you stop being such a jerk to him? He doesn't even remember anything from high school!" Thomas snapped. "It wasn't all his fault."

"Yeah, it is." Alex interrupted. "He did it. So it's his fault."

"You know what? Just hang out with him and you'll see how nice he really is." Thomas suggested.

"No way! He was so awful, why would I let myself be alone with him?" Alex remarked.

"Babe?" John opened the door. "What's going on, so far?"

"Alex is scared to spend time with someone who literally cried over being asked to stop staring." Thomas filled in. John rolled his eyes.

Jason POV

I walked outside. I don't like everyone looking at me. My favorite coffee shop is where I like to be when I'm uncomfortable. I went to sit at a table on the side. As I'm walking, someone shoved me.

The boy shoved me against the locker. "Freak!" He yelled. He raised me farther above the ground. I want them to stop, but how? That's the thing, I can't. "Freak! Fag!" the group yelled, hurting me however they could think.

I started bleeding before he even hurt me.

the next day...

He shoved me against the wall. "Please, leave me alone! Or else!" I growled.

"What're you  gonna do about it?" He snapped. I whimpered. I can't. Can I? He punched me in the forehead and the others kept on insulting me. I can't stand it, but I can't stop it either.

A month into this...

He threw me against the lockers. It doesn't hurt anymore, it's been going on for months. "Hey, fag! You wanna talk this time?" He snarled. I don't care anymore. He punched me but I didn't cry in pain like I used to.  He called to the other four to keep hitting me in any way they could think. I could feel the blood rolling down my chin. I am entirely numbed to the scars they left on my body.

The very next day...

I walking through the hall with my little brother. He was so happy that we were both done with extracurricular activities, like his band classes or my art.

"Aw. The fag found a bodyguard." One of the boys in the group called. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. "No answer? Oh, he doesn't want to admit it."

"Let's take'em both!" The leader of the group yelled. They grab my arms, holding me from fighting. Then I see the leader cornering my brother, he punches him in the chest.

Everything that has happened over the past 4 years broke through. The bullying, the punishments, the pain, the hiding. It all burst through me. I broke through the two restraining kids and charged at him.

I threw him against the lockers and punched him in the gut. "You can insult me, you can hurt me, you can break my  bones, see if  I care!" I snarled, pushing hard on his shoulders and spitting in his face. "But if you ever try to hurt any of my siblings again," I pressed him against the locker harder. "I will destroy you!"

According to my brother, my eyes turned red. He said that this was most terrifying way he'd ever seen anybody looked at someone. That I looked like I had a thirst for his blood.

I kind of did.

I gasped awake and tear stains on my face. I wasn't even in the cafe anymore. With a dirty-blonde haired girl's hand on my shoulder.

"W-where am I?" I gasped. She flinched, but just for a second.

"You were hyperventilating, then started crying. Eventually you started screaming that someone was hurting you," She explained. "Then once I managed to get you into an open space, you were crying and screaming uncontrollably and slammed your fists against a wall."

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stuttered. "It was... nothing..." she raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know what that was, but it definitely wasn't nothing." She detested.

"Just a flashback. I'm fine." I dismissed. She shrugged and left the bench. I was in Central Park, not far from the sidewalk. Easy to find my way back.

Did...did I really do that?

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