For all I give

Alex POV

"Aren't you coming with us? We're going to the roller rink, don't you wanna come?" I asked.

"Can't, I have to work." He replied sharply. He always spoke sharply now. I love him, why doesn't he love me?

"Oh."I replied softly, hoping he couldn't hear the hurt in my voice. His gaze softened, but turned back to normal instantly.

"When is Abby supposed to leave, again?" I asked him. I've forgotten by now.

"I dunno. She's your friend."He shrugged.

"I thought she was your friend."We stared at each other. This is very, very awkward. We walked awkwardly into Laf's room.

"Do you know why Abby's here?"John asked him.

"Uh, no? I don't get it, isn't she one of your ami's?" Laf asked. Laf joined us.

We walked into the guest room. "Abby...Why are you here?"John asked awkwardly.

She looked dumbfounded from the question."What? Don't you know?"

""We shrugged. Abby was utterly confused.

"Ask Hercules. He'll tell you everything."She answered vaguely."Níor dúirt Earcail leo iad? Aisteach."I heard her mumble.

"Abby's right. That is weird."I thought aloud. John tilted his head.

"What did she say? And you speak Irish, where'd ya learn that?"John asked.

"It's nothing."I shrugged.

<Timeskip brought to you by a love triangle>

For the first time in weeks, I went to a coffee shop. The coffee shop.

John was there before me, obviously. He was blushing strongly at a guy with oak brown hair. I sighed. John was head over heels for this guy. I'll help him, I just want John to be happy.

I got behind him in line. The cafe was packed, and I wasn't planning to stay...but I could. Every table was full. "Can I sit here?" I asked him. He nodded. "I'm Alex. Who are you?" I held out my hand.

"Gideon." he answered, shaking it. John was happily making Gideon's drink. I blushed at John. "Do you know him? The barista?"

"Yeah. He's my roommate."I replied. I think my plan is working.

"D-Do you know if he...has a lover?"
He stuttered. This is great! He's interested.

"Yeah, he's single."I answered. "And the gayest person you will ever meet." I added. Gideon blushed deeply.

"Uh, Alex? Why are you sitting here?" John mumbled through gritted teeth.

"There aren't any open seats."I smirked.

"H-here y-you go, s-sir."John stuttered, handing Gideon his coffee. He walked back the counter stiffly.

"I didn't know it was possible for him to be so shy."I shrugged.

"What?" Gideon tilted his head, confused by my statement.

"It's weird. He's always so sure of what to say. He's only ever acted like that to guys he likes."I hinted.

"Maybe he has a thing for you!" Gideon suggested. It hurt, it wasn't his fault, he didn't know, but it hurt because I knew he didn't.

"That's simply not possible. We were a thing. Then I got drunk and fucked it all up. Now he'll barely even talk to me." I admitted."It's you. That's why I came over here. I just want him to be happy. You can make him happy."Gideon blushed deeply.

John POV
That fuckhead. He could tell I liked Gideon, and he's making him blush. My cuts burned. Alex happily trotted over to me.

"What do you need, heartbreaker?" I snarled.

"I know you like Gideon," he started. Ah, so he was being a fuckhead on purpose this time. "I set you up on a date with him!"I blushed insanely.

"Thank you!"I burst. Alex sounded happy, his eyes shone grief. "But why would you do that?"

Alex POV
I sighed. "I just want to make you happy. My dreams, my fears, my longing, for you, my friend, I will set them aside." I did this for him. Even I can't believe it. I knew he could see it in my eyes, the longing to fix this, I truly love him. "Pathetic, isn't it? I can't even keep one person I love with me."I bit my bottom lip, digging my fingernails into my arm, holding back an ocean of tears.

"It's not your fault."He stopped me, resting his hand on my shoulder. "You've been the best friend I could ask for."The words hit me like a slap in the face. Friend.

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