
Warning: Gun Violence
Buckle up, this is a long one.

Anything in 'apostrophes' is in sign language.

Alex POV
I don't want to keep feeling sorry for myself. Others have it way worse. Probably.

I turned on the news. "...provided a description of the shooter. She says he was about 6'3, had white, bleached hair, and is about 25 years of age. If you have seen any who matches this description, please contact 1804-789-1776."That's not real don't call it. I clicked the tv off. The world's problems make me more depressed.

"Hey, Alex. You want pancakes?
I made some for everyone!" John walked into my room. I'm fucking swooning. He had his hair down, an adorable chef hat, and an apron tied around his waist. I sooo want to hit on him.

"Yes!" I managed to choke out. I was trying to say anything. I wanted to flirt with him, but kept telling myself: No! He's not mine. I can't change that. I got up and walked over to him. I grabbed the plate and walked back to my bed.

"Hey, I just want you to know that I don't hate you." John said, smiling.

"I don't trust that. You shouldn't be okay with me, yet." He laughed at my remark, and walked off. I looked over at my shelf. I knew it. I put them in a specific order for a reason. Now, I can tell he saw it. Something broke the pattern. He looked at my diaries. Shit.

"Finally up, I see?" He asked as I walked down the stairs. His smile faded at my expression.

"I know you looked through my stuff." He tensed. "If you're going to snoop, put them back correctly." It seemed like he froze. I guess he forgot about my stress-cleaning. Everything in the house was perfectly organized. "Why did you look through it?"

"I-I just wanted... I don't know."he admitted. I didn't want him to be upset. I walked upstairs to stop myself from yelling at him. I knew he'd feel bad enough with the silence.

Amelia POV
I walk through the halls of King's college with my sister. I'm proud for her, she was so smart, she got to go to college early! As I'm walking, I see...John, I think, talking to 2 girls in the halls. One girl had her wavy dark brown hair swept into her face. The other had her hair in a scrunchy and a bright yellow dress on. My gaydar was going off big time.

"Hey, Amelia, hi Evelyn!"John called. "These are my friends!"I noticed that they were holding hands, and were staring at each lovely.

"Hey, John!"I turned to the girls. "Are you two dating?" I asked.

"No, we're just friends who make out and fuck sometimes."The girl with the hair in her face explained sarcastically.
"I'm Maria, and this is Peggy." Evelyn waved to them.

"I'm guessing you're Amelia? John told us all about you two!"Peggy exclaimed. "Oh and," she said: 'I know sign!' In sign language.

'I'm so glad!'Evelyn signed back. 'You understand my words!'The two dark haired girls bonded over sign.

<Time skip brought to you by friends who make out and fuck sometimes>
(2 month time skip btw)

Maria and I were waiting for class to end. Right after, we'd go to the Schuyler sisters's house. Maria told me she had to use the bathroom.

"Let's go." I told her. We walked to the bathroom. Maria opened the stall, and I waited for her. I heard an ear-piercing
noise as Maria washed her hands. Screams of fear flooded the classrooms.

A man burst in the bathroom. With a gun.

3rd person
The shooter aimed at Maria. Amelia noticed the shooter about to pull the trigger. She knew more people would be hurt if Maria died. She jumped in the way of the gunfire. Instead of feeling the pain of a bullet piercing her back, Maria heard the shriek of a close friend.


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