
John POV (still)

"Hello?" I called. I heard a response almost immediately.

"Hi! I'm Jason. I'm babysitting for Lafayette. Are you his roommates?" He asked. Alex looked completely haunted, and dug his face into my shirt.

"John...that's him." Alex whispered, on the brink of tears.

"Um..well, we're here now. So you can leave." I said, pressing the terrified Alex closer to my chest. He shrugged.

"Uh, okay. I guess he could pay me over the app." He said. Alex tensed as he bumped into him on the way out. "Ack! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. Uh...sorry!" Alex still held onto me after he left.

"That guy doesn't seem so bad anymore." I told Alex. "Are you sure that's him?" Alex nodded.

"There are so many things that define him just off appearance. He has blonde hair, brown eyes, and a small scar on his left cheek. I simply can't forget what he looks like." He shivered.

"He's changed, then. You okay, Lex?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'll be fine." He sniffed. "It was a long time ago." He put a determined smile on his face. "Lets go play with James and Luna!"

"Okay, but it's your turn for a makeover." I laughed. James was braiding Luna's hair.

Its illegal to be this adorable.

"Hey, kiddo." I said, hands in my pockets. BA DA BA BA

"Hey, Johnny!" James cheered. "Hi, Alex!"

"Hey," Alex waved calmly. "So, does anybody wanna go somewhere? Do something?"

"Zoo! Zoo!" Luna shouted.

Jason POV

This guy is amazing! How does he do his makeup so amazingly? James Charles is my king.

iiSuperWomanii is so inspirational! She's such a good person, it's amazing! She's so funny.

Thomas Sanders is hilarious! How is this dude so funny?

All these people act like themselves and people love them. I didn't know anyone could get this much love for being themselves!

Could I?

I propped up my phone on the shelf. "Um, hey, guys! I'm Jason. I'm starting a YouTube channel! I don't really know what I'm gonna do, so any suggestions will be appreciated. So, about me. I'm a college student, I study Psychology. I'm a babysitter..."

"Jason?" A voice called. Roommates, this is why I want my own apartment.

"What is it, Jake? Are you gonna complain about how that one guy destroyed you again?" I rolled my eyes.

"What're you doing?" He asked, looking at my camera.

"It doesn't matter. Just go away." I said. That guy can be a huge dick.

"Oh no. I feel so threatened! I may die from your ice cold stare!" He put his hand on his forehead dramatically.

"Ugh. Shut up." I rolled my eyes. Can he seriously not be a dick for once?

"This is bullying! I'm gonna make a rap referral!" He teased. I shit him a glare and he walked away. I turned off my camera. This idea was bad. Why I feel sad?

I have an idea.


I couldn't find a picture of all three beautiful, inspirational people I mentioned. So I photoshopped Thomas Sanders into the photo.

Anyway, slán.

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