Not Okay

Lafayette POV (At the time of the shooting)

Herc and I were cleaning up after the S.T.E.M. Event. All the engineering students had to do it, and I joined Hercules. That's when the alarm sounded.

"Oh non. Je ne peux pas croire ça! Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?" I started freaking out. I can't speak English when I'm scared. Hercules stood on the stage to calm the remaining visitors.

"We need to leave right away. Parents, grab your children. Follow our lead to safety."Hercules said calmly. He was so amazing under pressure. He managed to group everyone together. He and I lead everyone to the town, taking them into the police station to contact loved ones.

"Herc, we must go home." I finally managed to speak English. Herc nodded and we walked home. We went to his room.

"That was insane." Herc began. I nodded.

"How were you so calm? I couldn't even speak English!"I exclaimed.

"You barely speak English anyway!" Hercules teased. "Let's just...stay here." Herc said. I agreed. "If our friends are hiding in that building, calling them would just reveal them."

"Nous ne savons même pas si nos amis vont bien." I started French-panicking again. I buried my nose in my knees. I felt him brush against me, sitting against the wall next to me.

I placed my hand on his. He looked up at me, half smiling. We just sat there, staring at each other.

"Hello?"A voice echoed through the house. John! Herc and I ran to the hall.

"John! Are you okay?" Herc asked. John grabbed his arm.

"I need your help." John lead us to his room. 2 little kids sat on his bed.

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