
Alex POV

"Oh, jeez. Teasing him is literally suicide. He has whole posse, and oh yeah he's literally the most popular guy in college!" I reminded John.

"I need a bodyguard 'cause they'll kill me!" John realized. "But who?"

"Are you seriously asking? Angelica would kick a guy in the balls for correcting her, Maria is terrifyingly good at blackmail," I listed.

"Yeah, but-" I cut him off by listing other people's specialties.

"You have Gideon," I kinda growled at the name. "Or you could bring snicks, she's gotten big since I found her," I continued. "Herc is the overprotective mom friend. And Laf is...well, Laf."

"And when you tried to punch someone, you broke your wrist-oh wait that's someone else's book."



Hercules POV

I smiled. James was braiding Luna's hair. It's illegal to be this cute. The brown haired boy stood up proudly. "I'm finished, Luna!"

"Thanks, Jamsey!" She called, flipping her braided black hair around. "Can you help me draw a kitty?" She asked me.

"Well, sure. I mean, John's better but I can still draw!" I exclaimed. I grabbed a notebook from the shelf. I tore three papers from the back of it. "First, put the head with floods on the sides, then put ears," I started. "Hey you're both really good!" I told them. "Then, add a face. Then a lil' body, paws and a tail!"

"Woah!" Luna exclaimed, staring at her beautiful cat. "Wait! What's that?" She pointed to a notebook on the counter. James ran to it with her. "What does it say?"

"Alex wrote it!" James gasped. "It probably barely took him a second!" He assumed. "It says: Dear John, Hey, John lives here! I'm so sorry for what I did all those months ago-" He was cut off by me grabbing it.

"It's clearly not just a few notes, it's probably really personal. I'll put it upstairs." I told them. James and Luna followed me. "Hey, Lex. You left your book in the kitchen. James almost read it, but I took it."

"Oh! Thanks, Herc. I'm really glad you took it." He said defensively.

"Hey, Jamsey," John was at the other side of the hall, his room, with a box of something. "Hey Luna, wanna play with this make up?" He asked them, opening the box to show an array of child make up.

"Yay!" James yelled. "Can I do your hair?" He asked once he got there. I smiled. They love it here. I really like that.

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