
Jason POV??

I was in some bright white room-thing? Though I'm not sure where. Is this the afterlife? I-I think so.

I could see something coming towards me. His face became clear. My brother. "Jack!" I smiled. "At long last! I see you again." The two hugged tightly.

"Brother..." Jack began. "You don't deserve to die because you hurt someone."

"But...I do. I-I hurt him!" I reasoned. Jack shook his head.

"You were being hurt." He reminded me. "That was coping." I looked up to see my mother.

"Mom!" I grasped in a hug. Feeling like the child I was long ago.

"My son." She whispered. "You need to live your life."

" two..." I whispered. They were here.

"There is someone down there who cares for you more than you." She told me. "Live for them."

"I love you, mom. I love you, Jack. I'll see you again one day." I reminded myself as I faded. "Are you sure this will work?"


Evelyn POV

A doctor walked out from Jason's room. I could feel my heart beating faster, my hands shaking, and my chest felt like it was closing.

All I've been doing for the past three days is waiting, worrying, and struggling against the panic attack that was about to take over.

A few minutes later...

Of all the people on this earth...why him? Why the only person?

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