
John POV

James ended up playing with my hair in all sorts of ways. Luna 'helped' by snatching the hair ties before he grabbed them and handing them to him. For only being three and six, they did a good job.

"Aw," Alex suddenly appeared at the doorway. "You guys did a fantastic job." Alex seemed like he holding back laughter. "I guess it's-" He chuckled immaturely. "Time for makeup." James smiled.

"Can I do it?" Luna smiled. James nodded. Oh no.

"Oh my fucking fluff. This is perfect." Alex laughed. He took a picture of me. I looked over at the mirror on my dresser. There was lipstick on my eyebrows, blue eyeshadow as blush, and purple lipstick on eyes.

"Oh my fucking fluff." I repeated. "Delete that fucking photo now."

"" He smirked. "I actually think I'll show the rest of the kazoo crew-"

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" I screamed, yeeting a water bottle at him. He stuck his tongue out immaturely when I missed. I grabbed a paper towel roll off my dresser and started chasing him.

"John what the fluff!?" Herc asked from the kitchen. Laf was cover in cookie dough. "And I'm certain they left a three and six year alone upstairs." Herc said, walking up the stairs with Laf.

James POV
I still can't believe that I live with Alexander Hamilton! He doesn't let us in his room, though. He doesn't even let adults in his room.

"Good job, Luna!" I smiled. John was still chasing him. Now's my chance to his room!

Woah! He's got so many notebooks! I picked one up out of his shelf. Huh? It just says "I'm sorry. I was too weak to save them." Over and over. Weird. The door slammed and Alex was panting, but still smiling.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He shouted when saw me. "DID YOU FUCKING TELEPORT!? WHAT THE FUCK?" I still had the notebook in my hands. He put his hands over his mouth, only pulling them away to snatch the notebook.

"Alex?" I asked, confused. Why is he so upset?

"I told you not to come in here!" He snapped. "There's reasons! Get out!" He pointed toward the door. Once I left I could hear him sobbing.

What have I done?

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