Warning: shit's 'bout to go down.
3rd person
Maria screeched. The sound made the shooter realize he was going to get caught. He ran.

Authorities arrived to Maria, sobbing over her friend, screaming for help. Maria had already wrapped a bandage around the wound. She told them where he'd gone, and what happened. Peggy burst into the bathroom, grasping Maria tightly. Maria sobbed into her girlfriend's shoulder. Amelia and Maria were so close. They had sleepovers, hangouts, and that's when it came to Maria's mind. 2 weeks ago, they had a sleepover. Amelia said she'd die for Maria or Evelyn. That was no exaggeration.

"Who did this? Maria, do you know?!" Eliza screeched the moment she heard about Amelia.

"I was on the brink of death! She saved my life!"Maria cried.

"I know, I know, shhh..."Eliza and Peggy hugged Maria tightly. "It's not your fault..."

Maria stayed next to her friend as long as she could. She blamed herself. Amelia saved her, she was brave. The house was silent when she got home.
The college was silent the next day. The Schuylers were paying for everything they could do to save Amelia. A dear friend, who gave their own life for a close companion.

"Where is my sister?" Gideon shouted to the front desk.

"She arrived a half an hour ago. We're not sure if she'll make it."The doctor explained calmly.

"Can I see her?"The doctor lead the group to Amelia's room.

"It's all my fault."Maria whispered. Her friends tried to reassure her, but she didn't listen.

Maria stopped going to class. She'd sit in Amelia's hospital room, hoping, praying her friend would heal.

A week later, Maria decided she'd sleep that day. Friends were worried for Amelia and Maria. Maria was sleep deprived, and stressed. She kept on blaming herself for this loss.

And then the hospital called. They all packed into one of the Schuyler's cars. Lafayette drove, so they got there fast, because Laf doesn't care about rules when his friends need him. They all rushed in for the news...

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