Why are you talking about me?

Jason POV

I sketched in my notebook. People used to say I was a perfectionist.

I think it's true. If there's a line out of place, I will fix it. I will go to the store to buy an eraser if I don't have one.

After John finally got back, he let me draw them, which was good. It was great practice to make people with long hair that isn't feminine.

All that felt good to get off my chest. I really needed to talk to someone. I walked down the hall to try and find something to do. I really don't like my roommates.

"Did Jason give you an explanation?" Are they...talking about me?

"Yes. You were right." Alex sighed. "But he doesn't know what he did." What did I do? "I could see the way he acted. If I told him he hurt me. He'd break." I-I hurt him?

Oh no.

I didn't know.

I don't deserve his forgiveness.

I don't deserve them.

Lafayette POV

I knocked harder. No answer.

I opened the door to the bathroom. It's not like I didn't knock. No one answered.

I went to the closet to grab a towel so I don't have to waddle naked to the closet.

I stopped myself, horrified. No. What could have possibly happened?

Thomas POV

"So I while I was doing summer camp, what were you doing?" Jemmy asked after going on a long tangent on the summer camp he went on as a kid.

"I can't remember." I shrugged. "Probably something illegal."

"Probably." Jemmy shrugged before turning the tv on. "Apparently there's books that are taken off Wattpad and made into real books."

"Heely's is the best show you could have! It's a twisty-turny shoe that you can glide with!!" The commercial advertised.

"That's cool. Imma watching vines-rest in peace- now." I informed him before pulling out my phone.

"Hm." Jemmy shrugged.

"Head down to del taco the got a new thing called: "fresh a-free shavoca doo!' 'Free shavoca doo!'" Vines are great.

John POV (sorry for all the switching and in advance)

I watched, confused, he dashed past me to his room. What happened? He just got off the bus, and Herc picked up Luna.

James POV (this amount of perspective changes is bad sorry)

I locked the door to my room and plopped into my bed. I shoved my face into the pillow and let out a cry of distress.

I stared at the test paper with a big red "D" on it. I tried my best. But it wasn't good enough.

I wasn't good enough.

I pulled my dark blue covers over my head. This wasn't the only thing making me frustrated, sad, distressed, and defeated. But it was the thing that burst through.

"So, what's your mom's name, then?" A kid asked. My mother is long gone. But now I have 2 dads. I don't need a mom.

"I don't have one." I shrugged. The older child looked confused. "I have two dads and a sister. That's all I need."

"Oh." The kid answered, for some reason sounding a little disgusted. "That doesn't make any sense. You need a mom and a dad to get a baby! What are you?"

What am I? Sure, I used to have a mom, but who was my real dad? I didn't think it mattered. Not til now.

But I guess it does?

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