
Huuuuuge TW

Alex POV

"Oh, come on! You know you want me." He said, smirking. He moved his face towards me for a kiss, but I lifted my chin up.

"I don't, Jason. Stop it! Leave me alone." I growled.

"Playin hard to get? Baby, you still want me. Stop lying to yourself." He got in closer. There I was. Cornered in the high school bathroom.

"Leave me alone," I said sharply. "I don't want you! Why can't you get that through your thick skull?"

"Oh, Ally. You're starting to make me mad." He smiled. The blonde haired boy persisted in his petty pursuit.

"I don't want-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I pushed his shoulders, trying to shove him off. I managed to thrust my head up, escaping his kiss.

"Was that so bad? We shouldn't have stopped. You know you wanted it." I was still cornered in the bathroom. I shut my eyes tight.

"No I don't!" I shouted. I sank to the ground, holding my face in my hands. Why me? He left me crying on the cold bathroom floor. I dug my face into my knees. No!

The next day.

I walked to school, head down, avoiding any eye contact at all. Just trying hard to remain unseen.

"Hey, Ally," Jason cooed. "Was last night that bad? You made a pretty big deal about it." I remained silent, walking faster. He matched my speed. "Oh, don't be so dramatic! I just kissed you. You wanted it anyway."

"No! I didn't!" I yelled, now running from him. "Just leave me alone!" At least it's Friday. He can't hurt me now, can he?


Jason ran to me on my way home. He had other kids with him, his posse. There's Gina Libson, James Reynolds, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

"Hey, Ally. What do you want to do tonight?" Jason asked sarcastically. I changed my route to the library. Imagine if he knew where I lived. Just the thought sent a shiver down my spine.

"Jason, stop being a dick," Thomas rolled his eyes. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. And you seem to really wanna catch this fly." I keep quiet and quicken my pace to escape these five.

Starbucks is probably safe. I crave caffeine. I open the doors, Jason is still throwing taunts at me. "I want caffeine." I said. I knew this barista personally, so she knew what my tired ass meant.

"Here, Alex." She smiled, with a warning glance behind me. I mouthed 'help' to her. "Anything else? Or would you like to take a seat?" I nodded.

The five people sat at the table right next to me. What are they planning? Thomas kept telling them to think about what they're doing. What are they doing? I got up while they were off-guard, hoping to get ahead.

There was a moment or two where I could just smile, and breath. But they were still behind me. I finally made it into the library. I waved to the librarian so she could acknowledge my existence. "Can you guys please just leave me alone?" I snapped, loud enough for everyone to hear.

I walked to the biography section. I've been meaning to learn more about Anthony Ramos, his dream was to end slavery which is pretty cool.

I walked back outside with five books and coffee in hand. I couldn't see or hear them, so I assumed they left. I could finally go home.

I finally made it to my house. I sighed. "Why can't that whore leave me alone?"

"Well, Ally, 'whore' isn't a very nice word," a familiar voice sounded from behind. "Are you ready to have some fun?"

"How did you get in my house? Why won't you let me be?" I cried.

"Jason! You said you'd convince him, not rape him! What is wrong with you!?" Thomas snapped.

"Yeah, Jaysy, I don't know about this. I think this awful. I'm leaving." Gina said, running out.

"I'm with Gina. Sorry, Knuckles." John Adams said. "Even I didn't think you could go this far."

Jason stared at his only remaining companion. "Look, as much as I'd love to, jail doesn't sound so good." James Reynolds reported. "You're insane. Just leave the poor guy alone."

Jason tried to lunge at me, Thomas grabbed his arms and yanked him back. "You're insane! Get away, you monster!" I was struck. He was going to try to RAPE me. Jason struggled free and tackled me, hurting me in every way imaginable. Thomas was trying to pull the attacker off.

My vision was blurry, and my face was bloody. But I remember Thomas screaming, then frantically calling someone.

And then I woke up, soaked in sweat and discomfort. I hate flashbacks.

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