Love and heartbreak

Jason POV

"I heard there's a huge party at George's house." John announces to the group. "I mean, he's hella rich so he's known for his parties,"

"Maybe we should all go!" Alex suggested.

"But I don't have a daaaaaate!" I whined. Ugh I'm so tired of being alone.

"Well what kind of people do you like?" He asked.

"Erm...well uh, I think I am possibly bi." There's a girl I think I might kinda be into. So does that mean I'm bi? Uhhh yeah?

"So just figure out who you like and ask them out. Easy." Uhhh it is not easy.

"Easy for you to say! You were both insanely obvious about liking each other!" Hercules reminded them. Alex blushed and John buried his face in his Alex's chest. Awwwww.

"I-I can't d-do that! Sh-she d-doesn't like me I'm s-sure!" I refused.

"Oh, c'mon! Just tell us!" Alex urged. By now I was completely red.a

"N-No! No w-way!" I stuttered, entirely embarrassed.

"Hmph. Fine." Alex rolled his eyes. "You don't need a date to go to it."

A few hours later

"I uh...I'm ready." Why does everyone look good but me?

Alexander was wearing a blue shirt Will a quail in it, with a black jacket over it. John wore a light green v-neck shirt with a turtle on it.

Hercules had one of his own creations on, and Laf as well. Of course they were matching, because they are the embodiment of relationship goals.

Abby had a purple shirt with a black skirt. Amelia was wearing a blue shirt with a purple skirt.

Peggy had a yellow shirt with ripped jeans. Maria had a dark red shirt with jeans that had rips down the side.

Eliza had a light blue crop top and skirt combo. Gideon had a black shirt with a narwhal on it and jeans.

Evelyn was absolutely gorgeous. She had a gray crop-top with "You will be found" across the top. She had a dark gray long skirt. While I just had one of those t-shirts with a tuxedo printed on it.

"Oh good! Let's do this!" Evelyn yelled, this grabbed me by the arm and ran. Yeah I was totally blushing.

Once we got there I aimed my venture to the couch. Awwwww a doggie! Who needs humans and being social when you can have a couch and a dog?

There's two girls sitting there already. One had light skin, curly brown hair with blonde at the bottom, and brown eyes. The other had straight brown hair with blue tips, and hazel eyes. They weren't the exact same age, but not far either.

The first had a bottle of vodka in her hand and the other had a Sam Adams. The first was a little taller than the other.

Another girl walked over without alcohol. She had dirty blonde hair and was clearly taller than the others. She said something and the others laughed.

Never mind this couch is already inhabited. I feel someone yank on my arm. I turn to see Evelyn.

"C'mon! Have fun! It's a party!" She laughed.

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