
Alex POV

John didn't love me I knew that, but at least I have my friends back. I took a new route to class, it was much faster. I walked through the alley. A large shadow loomed  above me. I ran.

The thing's shadow chased me. As I looked back, I saw its face. It was a small dog. A pup. It had scruffy brown fur and a wagging tail. It dug into my backpack, eating the sandwich I packed for lunch. I reached out my hand to pet it. It flinched, whimpering.

"Poor thing..."I whispered. I picked it up and tucked in my hoodie."There, there." I pet them inside my hoodie. The pup was very light. I unwrapped the sandwich, letting him/her eat it.

I took it back to the house. "JOHN I NEED YOUR HELP!!"I shouted. He walked down the stairs.

"Yeah?"He asked. He was so cute with his hair down.

"I found a puppy, but I don't know what it is!"I explained. He stared at me.

"It's a dog." He answered. I rolled my eyes."Give it to me." He held it up."A girl. Looks like a Pyrenees."He explained happily.

Herc made his way downstairs."Is that a puppy~" He asked. I nodded."Can we keep it!?"

"Y E S," John answered. Herc squealed like a child.

"Herc. Shut the fuck up."Laf made his way sleepily down the stairs."Is that a chio?"I nodded. "What's its name?"

"Uh...John? What do you think?"I turned to John.

"Hmm...what about Snickers?" John suggested. I agreed.

"Snickers. Someone has to get Maria and Abby!" I realized. Laf started to go upstairs. "Wait! I have a better idea. ."

"What about Thomas, Aaron, and James?"Herc started.

"I will not let jeffershit touch my angels,"I stated.

We walked into Abby's room. I placed the dog on her chest She licked Abby's face."PFFT! good job, dog! You ruined my dream!" She complained, picking her up and setting her on her lap.

"What were you dreaming about, ey?"I asked, a smug smile on my face.

"Erm...nothing. Nothing at all."She blushed. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Snickers," John answered.

"Welp. I better get to class. Can someone bring her over to the Schuyler's?"I asked. John said that Maria was already planning to 'hang out' with Peggy. So we woke her up and gave her the doggo.

<Time skip brought to you by snickers>


His name is Hercules, Hercules Mulligan, and I love. He is so sweet and loving.

Fuck. I'm gay.

Yes that is how I am going to end it because fluff you.

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