
John POV(During the shooting)

I heard a shriek from the bathroom. I was in the lobby. The shooter-whoever they were-entered through the back. I ran deeper into the school. I found myself in a classroom. 2 young children were huddled in the corner, there was an event today. They must've been here for it. "Come with me I'll save you." We walked slowly out into the hall.

I heard gunfire down the hall. We all ran. One of the students tripped, they couldn't run. I picked them up, carrying them, running for my life and theirs.

I burst through the doors in the lobby. Nobody was in front anymore. They've fled. I picked up the other child, lifting him to my shoulders, the first kid on my back. I fled, too.

I ran into the city. I'd bring these kids to the one place I was sure they'd be safe. My house. I ran up to my room. I set both kids on my bed.

"What are your names? I'm gonna help you find your parents."I told them.

"I'm Luna."One girl said softly, shocked by the incident. The boy seemed like he was too shocked to speak. "That's James." The boy began to cry.

"I know it was scary. But it's okay. You're safe now. They can't get us here." I gently laid my hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's okay." I turned to the girl. "Do you know your mommy or daddy's phone number?"

"N-no."She admitted. I told them to wait there. I searched the house for my friends.

"Hello?"I called into the house.

"John!"Hercules and Laf ran from Herc's bedroom. "Are you okay?"

"I need your help." I grabbed Herc's arm and pulled him toward my room. "They don't know their parents phone numbers."

"Where'd you find them?" Hercules asked, grabbing a first aid kit from the shelf.

"They were in the corner of a classroom." I told him.

"Any notable injury?" He asked, searching the room for other supplies.

"The girl tripped, but nothing too bad." I answered. I turned to the kids. "What are your last names?"

"Jeckerson, both of us."The girl muttered. I knew it'd be useless calling the college. I called Mr. Washington. He'd know what to do.

"Sir? It's John Laurens. I found two kids named Luna and James Jeckerson."I told him. Mr. Washington said he was proud. "I'm focused on getting these kids to their parents."

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