This is what you get Elsa. He's dead (possibly) You did this.

John POV

Evelyn dragged her hand down her face. Of all the things that has happened in those 18 years.

This struck her hardest. Just weeks after breaking her silence, she was quiet again.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She looked away. That's something I learned about her.

She's the 'tough' one. She doesn't let herself cry. She doesn't reveal her insecurities. But I can tell she's insecure about the fact that she's short. HINT HINT! But she admits it's one other thing. But she won't say.

"You don't have to hold it back," I told her. I put my hand on her shoulder, but she immediately jerked it away.

"I'm fine." She dismissed. I recognize that part of her voice. Her voice sounded choked, and hard. She's trying not to cry.

"You're obviously not!" I snapped. This is a different side of her. She's so fun loving and funny. She laughs about her problems, she draws. She hates them but I can tell she likes it when people compliment her on anything. While she isn't the best artist ever, she's still okay.

She's been bullied throughout school for no obvious reason. I know well enough that if you're told something long enough, you start to believe it.

She says she ran out of shits give a long time ago, but I can tell it's not true. She seems deeply affected by it when she's alone.

But she puts on a strong face and pretends not to give a fuck.

But she does.

She insults them back and asks why they think she gives a shit. She says stuff like: 'fuckin Brit' when we say stuff like: 'swell' or drink tea.

She acts strong, but she's not.

She plays the hard-ass who doesn't care.

She acts as if nothing bad matters.

She's a great actress.

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