The explanation

Lafayette POV

"What are ya' doing Laffy Taffy?" Herc asked.

"I am reading a lesbian novel." I answered calmly.

"Cool. Wanna go on a date later?" He asked. I turned to look at him.

"Yep!" I smiled. "Oh mon dieu! She did not just fucking-"

"Spoilers!" Herc interrupted me jokingly. I laughed.

"It's only in the second chapter!" I defended. He rolled his eyes, then kissed me. I put my arms around his neck.

"I really wanna say it." I heard Abby whisper from behind me. Followed by someone punching her.

"Don't you dare!" Amelia laughed. "It's so cute! This is adorable!" I honestly don't care. I pulled Hercules onto the couch with me. "This is so fucking adorable." She whispered. I know.

I stood up and we both walked to our bedroom.

No smut, sorry guys. We aren't there yet.

John POV

"Maybe you should talk to him." Alex gasped at my absolutely deadly suggestion to talk to someone. "He was really apologetic about looking at you. And he was extremely awkward the entire time."

"What do you mean awkward?" Alex asked obliviously.

"He was always staying away from the group, he looked like even he thought he didn't belong," I listed. Alex shrugged dismissively. "Remember when I first met him? He barely touched you and was extremely over apologetic."

"Okay. Fine. But you have to be right outside!" Alex agreed. I nodded.

"Seriously, if you let him speak he'll eventually get to that." I reminded him.

Not long after

"Are you really sure you want to talk to me?" Jason ensured. I nodded. "Oh. Uh nobody ever really wants to."

"Oh! I have to get stuff for dinner!" I made an excuse and walked away. But I'll just be in the other room as Alex requested.

Alex POV

"Is there anything you wanna talk about?" Jason looked away. "I won't tell." I reassured him. "Even therapists need to talk sometimes." Jason smiled.

"Well...I mean...." He struggled to find a way to start. "It kinda started in 8th grade." 8th grade? That's still pretty young. "Um, I started having only my dad if you know what I mean. My dad started drinking. Every time he did, he'd try to hurt us. But my younger brother and I had a plan my brother didn't like. He would hide the little kids and I would block the door and take the hits." He explained. "But back then, I thought I deserved being called those slurs and getting hit. And I kept on believing it until a few days ago. The scar on my cheek? My dad. He threw a beer bottle at me and it broke across the wall. A piece of it flew at me and barely missed my eyes."

"That's illegal!" I pointed out. He gave me a 'no dip' face.

"But I thought I deserved it for being gay." He cried. "Then in 9th grade, I got my first boyfriend. He would do so many awful things to me. It wasn't love. He taught me that the weaker person listens to whatever the other wants. That wasn't helpful." So he was taught that. And he believed it.

"Through high school there was this one group of kids who would yell at me and hurt me and I did nothing. To the point where I couldn't feel it." Jeez. "Then one day, I snapped. I beat the shit out of him. Because he hurt my brother." He remembered. "It happened every morning. I don't know what happened the rest of the day. I just remember going home feeling okay. I don't know what I did to get the pain and frustration out. But it worked." I can't tell him. That'd break him.

"You didn't deserve any of that." I reminded him. He smiled.

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