
Herc POV

Lafayette always seemed...unhappy with his girlfriend. Her name was Mary, call me biased... but I don't think she loves him, either. I... don't know. I shouldn't judge him, I'm confused, too.

Mary was very restrictive and...homophobic, I think. If Laf says anything remotely gay she'll say: "Gaaaaaay!". Laf always looks uncomfortable after, and don't even get me started on when she was supposed to be meeting my boyfriend. She was so vague about cancelling the double date. It was my first date with a dude, and Laf was there to help. Mary cancelled due to-and I quote-"Church". I feel like that's a hint.Litterally the only reason I've ever gotten from homophobic people.(Except one guy who said they were "ignoring that there were 2 genders. Also there's more than 2.)

Laf's a genuinely happy person. Mary always digs around his amazingness and tries to knock him down. He's so beautiful and French, but Mary points out his mistakes.

I fake a smile as Mary takes a photo. I hate her. She's rude, homophobic and overprotective in a not-cute way.

"Ugh. Marquis, that shirt is soo ugly." She said again. I was fed up, but pushed through.

"Sorry." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I wish I had the courage.

"Ew!! Aren't those your friends?!" She freaked out. She was in the group chat. Alex sent a photo of him and John, out on a date.

LilBitch: Ew! What is wrong with them?!
OofCantSayNoToThis: Ahem, bitch what?
MuffinMan: They're in love! You got a problem with that?
JohntheTurtle: I don't understand you? Do you have a problem with our love?
LilBitch:How do you celebrate Christmas if you're sinning by being together?
Mad hatter: How do YOU celebrate valentines' day if nobody loves you?
Jeffershit: OOOOOOOOH
Herc POV
In my mind, I realized how much of a jerk she was. Laf didn't notice...I did. Am I wrong? Is it wrong to long for something you simply can't have?

"Mary! What the fuck are you doing?!"Laf asked sourly."Those are mon amis!"

"Gay people disgust me!"She snarled.

"YOU disgust me! I can't even comprendre what makes you think this is okay?!"Laffayette screeched.

"If everyone were gay, there'd be no humanity!"She defended.

"And if anyone aimé you, I'd still be dating you!"I snapped. She took a minute, but got it.

"Fine! Get your gay ass outa here!"I took her Mac 'n cheese, and her kitchen before leaving.

(Baguette kicked LilBitch from the chat)
Baguette: I dumped my gf. Finally...
MuffinMan: I was right.

Alex POV
I don't know what I said. I know I was drunk, my only hint being the beer bottles and hardcore hangover. I woke up on the couch. John was gone. I scanned my house for hints. Abby.

"Abby? Where's John?"I asked, walking into the guest room. She wasn't there. I went to my room. I asked the same question. She stared up at disgust from the bed. She stood up, taller than me, even taller than John.

"You drunk idiot!"She slapped me."You  seriously don't remember!?"I stayed silent. "How drunk even are you?" John's clothes and such were shoved in his suitcase.

"I-I don't-"I stared in silence. "What did I say? What did I do?"

"You screamed, you yelled. You called him a idiot, a little shit,"She began.

"That doesn't sound so bad..."I tried to find a bright side to this.

"You broke up with him!"Abby shouted. My heart broke. "You called him a fag!"

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