Stay Alive

(I'm done with the shooting stuff)

Amelia POV

"Amelia? You'll be okay!"That was a voice I haven't heard in years. Evelyn's voice.

"Evelyn?"I asked, my voice weak. "I'm so proud." I opened my eyes enough to see her face. "There wasn't a second in my life I wasn't proud."

"Shhh...I know, I know," Evelyn laid her finger over my lips. "Save your strength." I struggled my hand to her face. I held her face in my hands.

"Am I going to die? I feel like I will." I told her.

"Dying is easy, living is harder."She told me gently.

"I'm so sorry." I told her. "I didn't want anyone else to get hurt."

"Shhh...I know." She laid my hand back on my chest. Maria walked up to my bed.

"You were so brave,"She told me. "You didn't even flinch. You jumped in front of me."

"I'd trade my life for yours any day. I'd die for you." I told her. They began to blurr from my vision. "I'm so sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize!" Evelyn told me.

"You're so brave, my sister."I told her. "Your voice is's soft."

" your energy."Maria told me. I could hear Gideon coming to me.

"You saved her life." He explained, referring to Maria.

"Are you proud of me? Have I made you proud?" I asked weakly.

"I've always been proud." He told me sweetly.

Maria POV

"I couldn't be more proud of you. You are so brave!"I told Amelia. She started to close her eyes.

"We'll tell your story." Gideon told her.

"You have no control who lives who dies who tells your story." She told us. The doctor ushered us out of the room.

But I'm not afraid. I know who my friends are. Amelia is the strongest, bravest person I've ever met. She said she would die for me, and that's no lie. I walked over to Peggy.

"I'm so sorry..."I choked as I sobbed onto her shoulder.

"'s okay."She told me, hugging me tightly. The doctor walked out.

"Who put the bandage on Ms. Hempton?" They asked. I fearfully raised my hand. The doctor smiled. "You're a hero." She told me.

"What?"I asked, confused as ever. It's my fault any of this happened! I'm no hero.

"With the speed of her blood flow and the time it took to get her here, she would've bled out without the bandage." She explained. I let out a pathetic gasp. "We suggest you find something to do for a while. She's going into surgery." I pulled out my phone. A long list of reminders awaited.

•Hate self
•Cry again
•Listen to every sad song I've ever heard
•Cry more

I'll get this done in no time.

I hugged Hercules tightly. He kissed me.

Dream Herc that is. A dream where none of this angsty shit even happened. A dream where we were always safe. A dream where everything is right. Where Herc and I can hold each other without insult.

What a world.

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