Don't call me that

John POV

"Alex, are you okay?" I woke up in a pool of sweat that isn't mine. Ew.

"Y-yeah. J-jus-Just a dr-Dre-dream." He stuttered. I checked my phone. 7:00 am. Ugh. I should get ready. Alex followed me downstairs, staying close to me.

As I made breakfast, he just kinda hugged me. "Are you sure you're okay, Ally?"

"No!" He screamed, suddenly cowering from me. "No! Don't hurt me! I don't- NOOOO!" He yelled, dashing up the stairs. "Not again! I said no!"

All I did was call him Ally. What happened? "Jesus Christ, John. What the fuck happened?" Herc asked, panting.

"He woke up and wouldn't stop following me. All I did was call him Ally and-" Herc shushed me.

"It's something that happened in high school. He's never told anyone but me. Well, Jefferson knows but that's because he was there," Herc explained vaguely. "I'll comfort him."

Herc POV
"Lex? Are you okay?" I asked, calling into his room.

"Get. Thomas." He muttered. Oh jeez. He hates that guy, this is serious. I got out my phone and called Thomas.

"Why the fuck am I awake?" Thomas grumbled. "It's 7 am."

"Remember the high school?" I asked nervously.

"I'm on my way. But why did you call me?" Thomas asked.

"Alex just kinda...said to? I'll explain later."

A few minutes later.

"Y'all better explain why I'm awake." Thomas demanded.

"Well, John and Alex got back together. Something must've happened, but according to John he was being really clingy, then..." My voice trailed off. "He obliviously called him Ally."

"Holy shit. No wonder he asked for me." Thomas walked up the stairs.

"Lexi?" Herc called. "I got Thomas for you."

"Tommy!" He cracked a smile, still shaking. Sweet Jesus..

"Er...I'll go explain this to John." I said, going to find John. I found him staring at a wall in the kitchen.

I think they broke each other.

"Hey, John. There's a big reason Alex freaked out," John got ready to listen to this story. "Within the first week of Alex transferring to our high school, he started dating a kid named Jason. Alex didn't like him after a few days and brokd up with him and... Jason would hurt him. He'd push him around, or corner him, or general harassment. And then the worst possible thing happened. He and his group followed Alex home and while everyone else realized it was an awful idea, Jason continued to try to..."

"Try to what?" John growled, rage glazing his eyes.

" him..." I told him quietly. John slammed his fists on the table, rage burning in his eyes like a wildfire.

"How dare anyone treat my Lexi like that!?" He burst.

"Thomas held Jason by the arms. But he still broke free and beat the living hell out of Alex." I explained. John took a deep breath, and started up the stairs.

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