
2 more OC's in this. I'm jamming my characters into this story.

John POV
"Alex I can't express how grateful I am for you doing this."I basically screamed. Alex nodded distractedly. I looked at his note book. As if he cloud sense me trying to see it, he swiped it away. He walked into his room, and I moved into the second guest room. I shrugged and went to Maria's room.

"No! Maria, you can't tell them!" I heard Peggy yell. I knocked on the door. Peggy gasped, Maria stepped back, startled.

"Do I look okay??"They stared at me like I was an idiot.

"You look fantastic!"Peggy squealed. I smiled. "NOW GO GETS YO MAN!" She shrieked.

<Time skip brought to you by me jamming my oc's into this story>

I took a deep breath. I knocked on the door. A girl, maybe a year younger than me answered."Is there a Gideon here?" I asked politely. She nodded. She waved another girl over to her. She spoke in sign language to the girl.

"Hello! I'm Amelia! This is Evelyn." The other girl, who looked the same age as Gideon, introduced. Evelyn smiled and waved at me. "Evelyn said you needed our brother?"She asked. Evelyn signed something to Amelia. Amelia shoved her. "Evelyn! That's inappropriate!" I looked curiously at the two girls, though their conversation was amusing. "Gideon!"Gideon came running from around the corner.

"Hi!" He waved at me. Evelyn signed something at him. "Evelyn! Shut up!" He shouted, blushing. He stepped out, and closed the door. "Sorry about my sisters! I really hope you don't know what Evelyn said." He apologized.

"I don't." A look of relief fell on his face as I admitted it to him.

"It must seem kind of weird for me to live with them, I'll explain it later." He brushed it off. We walked to the restaurant we were going to.

"So, where are you from?" I asked. He smiled.

"Unimportant." He answered simply. "My turn: what's your favorite snack food? Mine's potato chips."

"Animal crackers. What's your favorite movie?"I asked.

"High school musical. Yours?"He answered.

"Mean girls. Damien is so relatable." I added. He smiled and we just looked at each other until we got to the restaurant.

"Who's the reservation for?" The women at the front asked.

"John Laurens." I answered politely. The waitress lead us to a table. 

<Time skip brought to you by High School musical 3>

"So, I never explained to you why my sisters live with me." He started. "Well, my mom died when I was 13...and my dad became abusive. Especially towards Evelyn. He hated that she's never answer, because she can't! She is  physically unable to speak. The second I turned 18, I took them here. Started going to Kings College, and now I'm 20, earning my degree in marine biology." He explained.

"My mom died when I was young, too. My dad became an alcoholic, and I took every blow he aimed at them. Then all his attention turned to me when I came out. He doesn't even care about anything my siblings do, which I'm glad for."I explained.

"Damn. He must've hit you hard. I can still see scars." Oops. I covered them up.

"That wasn't him." I admitted. He looked away. "Here we are." We were at his house. I dropped him off. I walked home.

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