
Warning: gun violence

Evelyn POV(during the shooting)

I was in an empty room, the doors couldn't lock. Fearing for my life. I can't scream. I can't wail. Suddenly, a man runs into the room I'm in.

I try to scream, but nobody can hear. Is this how it ends? Speechless? Forgotten? Can anyone realize I'm gone? Is this how they'll remember me? Alone in a room? With no one by my side? Where nobody can help? Where I can't scream? Where I can't beg for mercy? Is this it?

I raise my arms, providing open target. This is it. I can't scream. He's blocking the door. I can't wail. I can't give my final speech. I've been shy my whole life.

I never wanted anyone to speak to me, knowing they wouldn't get any response. I hid in the crowd. I did my best to stay alive. Is that how they'll remember me? Alone and forgotten? Shy and speechless? Helpless? Unable?

No. I lower my hands to my side. I'm not going down. Not without a fight. I run forward, he's only been here for a minute or two. Is this my end? No. I will not be remembered as the shy kid. Nor the kid who held back. Not the kid no one remembers.

I got this way from abuse. But I will not let myself stay hidden. I will not allow silence while I'm endangered.

Even if die, I will not be remembered this way. I will be brave. Not powerless. I am not going down without a fight. I will not stand by while others are in danger. I am making my last stand.

I take a deep breath as I run. I will not be forgotten. I will not be invisible. I will stand. I shove the shooter out of the way, slam the door shut, try to block him off. I barricade the door with anything I can find. Then run. I won't be ignored. I will not be left unknown. I will not hide in the shadows. I will not by shy in the presence of danger. I hear a massive bang. I turn around. There he is. Barricade broken behind him. I angered him.

That's it. I'm not standing still anymore. I finally mange to do it. I scream. "HEEELP!!" I wail. No more silence. I ran as he shoots at me. He's a terrible shot. "Somebody heeelp!" I burst through the doors. I'm outside. Sirens are going. People are screaming.
I hear my name.

"EVELYN!!"Alex's voice. That's him. I broke my silence just moments ago.

"HEEELP!!" I scream. I lead the shooter to the authorities. He burst through the door, immediately tackled down.

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