|1| "Kill me"

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Nagisa sighed quietly as he sat down behind his teacher's desk. Well, it wasn't technically his desk but the actual teacher never showed up so it was practically his. The blue haired man glanced around the classroom to see no students and only a destroyed place.

Walls had graffiti and pen drawn all over them, small cracks dotted the classroom and the paint looked as if it hadn't had a fresh coat in over 50 years. The window looked as if it had been cracked but no one had bothered it fix it and the desks had gum and writing sprawled everywhere. Let's just say when Nagisa accidentally touched a piece of gum under the desk he jumped five feet in the air.

Shaking his head, the man took his hands off the desk before standing up. His students seemed to have all decided to do a group skiving. The thought of it made him chuckle, remembering a redhead, but got back to the task at hand. He clearly had to find them if he wanted to actually become a teacher. It's what Koro-Sensei would've done.

The blue haired man first started off with looking all around the school before moving onto the neighbourhood around the school. It had already been half an hour and Nagisa furrowed his eyebrows. He was standing in the middle of a forest, no where close to the school, searching for a bunch of delinquents. Was this what Koro-Sensei felt like all those times Karma skipped class?

Deciding to keep going further into the forest, Nagisa suddenly heard a bunch of loud wittering. He pushed his back up against a tree before peering around to see his whole class laying around. It was a small opening in the forest where the sun shone down on it and if Nagisa hasn't been annoyed with all the students he might've took the time to appreciate the view.

He strained his hearing to listen in on what the high schoolers seemed to be talking so casually about. "Honestly, that 'teacher' seems a bit of a slag," Kamin, probably the rudest boy in the class, huffed out as he looked up at the sky. A scoff was heard from one of the girls and she then spoke out.

"You can't say anything, Kamin. Shiota-Sensei managed to fucking paralyse you with fear. You should've seen your face, it was hilarious!" Snorted Seira as she tapped on her phone a few times. Her baseball bat she always carried around with her lay on the green grass by her side as she blew a bubble from the gum she had in her mouth.

"Whatever, weirdo! I'm just saying that stupid girl is going to be gone in a week, max, plus she'll never find us and once the school knows it'll be all over for Shiota-Sensei," Kamin laughed loudly as took a small glance at the girl who had previously insulted him, with a small lopsided smirk playing on his lips.

"I don't think Shiota-Sensei will be gone in a week if he can somehow find all of you," Nagisa came out from around the tree and crossed his arms with annoyance. All eyes shot straight towards him before a few students looked down to the ground, ashamed of just embarrassed they had been caught skipping class. "I suggest we all go back to the classroom and you'll all avoid even worse punishment than I've got planned," Nagisa stated clearly but only heard a scoff off a few teenagers.

"And why should we listen to someone who looks like a junior school kid?" Jurou asked as him propped up his head with his arms, an unimpressed look crossing his features. Nagisa felt like snapping but took a deep breath and started to walk slowly towards the small group. He had to be wary of the boy who had just spoken, already knowing a small weapon lingered in his trouser pocket and would most likely use it at any time.

"Because I said so. Now back to class and you will all stay behind after to clean up the room so we have good conditions to work in, is that clear?" The blue haired man said and the majority of pupils stood up and walked over to Nagisa, ready to leave, while others only scoffed.

"We will kill you, just so you know. That little stunt you pulled earlier was a scam," Kamin growled as he slowly got onto his feet and walked over to the growing group," So don't you dare think you can push us around!"

A small laugh left the smaller ones mouth as his let his bloodlust loose for a split few seconds," Kill me? We've already been over this, you have until graduation to kill me and none of you have tried." A few students shivered as they heard their teacher speak, it wasn't how he had spoken the past few times when he was kind and tried to help them.

Kamin gritted his teeth together before he saw Jurou pass him by, a shiny sharp object laying comfortably in one hand. The smaller boy's white hair blew in the wind slightly before he swung the knife around, intending to hit Nagisa in the face.

The small, blue haired man leaned backwards as the knife passed by before standing straight up and grabbing the hand with the knife in before stepping behind Jurou. Nagisa twisted the arm with him before hearing a slight scream from the boy and dropped him to the ground. "Good attempt Jurou but you need to be more prepared and remember to know your enemy could easily predict what you were about to do. Next time try to be more relaxed when getting ready to attack. I could've easily broken your arm with how stiff it was," Nagisa instructed as a girl, Sora, rushed up to him and immediately started to inspect if there was anything wrong.

"What the fuck was that?" Seira shouted out as she lifted her bat and swung it dangerously, her lips turning into a frown. Nagisa chuckled awkwardly before scratching the back of his head.

"You're going to try to kill me too?"

_-_-_-_ Yo, I'm da author. All I'm gonna say is for the students I'm going to be using their first names to call them by cuz I can't be bothered with their last names too much. I will mention their last names but it'll come after their first name just to make it a bit easier for me and everyone else. _-_-_-_

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