|3| "After school"

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The bell for the end of the day went and everyone started leaving. Ruka rushed up to one of her fellow classmates with a huge smile on her face. Despite her clothing always showing a bit too much skin, she was a kind girl with a big heart. "Kei, want to get some ramen with the rest of us tonight?" She grinned wolfishly, showing a teeth, as he gripped her file tightly. Kei was known as probably the most handsome boy in their class and everyone wanted to be around him. Ruka was lucky enough at the start of the year to let him into her small group of close friends and they've hung out since.

The brown haired boy turned around after sipping up his bag with a smile playing on his lips," I'd love too. Searen promised to show me his tattoo yesterday so I can get him to show me it today." An even bigger grin broke onto the brown haired girl's face once she remembered the promise Searen had made to them before another voice interrupted them.

"You guys look as if you're having fun," Seira chuckled as she walked up to the desk lazily," We still going to that terrible ramen place? Can't we just go to that cafe we went to last week, that place sold really nice brownies." Kai raised an eyebrow at the dark haired girl with piercings before putting his bag on his back and looked around the classroom for their final friend.

At the back of the room, a white haired boy with dyed pink tips was slowly packing away. His blue eyes made contact with the small group before he lifted a hand and waved. Seira rolled her eyes before standing up and going over to Searen, the other two following behind. "You ready to go dude?" She asked once Searen had finished stuffing his stuff into the reasonably sized bag. He nodded before slipping it onto his back and the four walked out the classroom, racing each other down the flights of stairs and ran all the way to the small ramen shop on the corner of the street near school.


Nagisa walked silently down the road, regretting the decision to not take his car to school that morning, and trusting his roommate to drive him instead. The blue haired man took out his phone and noticed a message from someone he hadn't spoken to in years, well face to face they texted regularly. Pressing call back, he lifted the phone to his ear. "Hey Kaede, what can I do for you?" He asked as he continued walking at a slow pace down the street.

"Since you missed our first clean-up at the old classroom, all of us decided to meet up at Takuya's ramen shop. Most of us are already there so get your butt down here right now." And with that, the woman ended the call and the blue haired man let out a loud sigh. It wasn't like he didn't want to see his friends but he just didn't want to have to keep explaining why he couldn't show up to the first clean up of Koro-Sensei's classroom. Even if he tried to, everyone would just say no.

Shaking his head, Nagisa turned in the opposite direction from his apartment. It only took ten minutes before he was walking through the door and saw about ten of his friends sitting in a booth. He almost laughed at Kaede's attempt to dress up so no one would take notice she was a famous actress before rushing up to all of them.

"Hey guys," He smiled before everyone quietened down and stared at him before Kaede squealed and jumped up at him, wrapping her arms around his body. As soon as she let him go, they both slid into the booth and the rest started bombarding the blue haired boy with questions.

"You cut your hair, Nagisa?" Nakamura exclaimed as she reached out an ruffled it slightly," I think it suits you."

Little did they all know, four of Nagisa's students were sat in a corner watching the whole exchange. They couldn't hear anything except from a few bits and pieces but were all confused. Kai raised an eyebrow as he watched a woman jump up and hug their teacher," Do you think that's his girlfriend?" Ruka turned to face the boy before shrugging and looking at Seira for an answer.

"How the hell am I supposed to know, you dimwits?" She hissed before eating a bit more of her ramen. Suddenly, they all heard a bowl smash to the floor and looked over at the counter. It was the same guy who gave them their ramen and he was staring at the group of adults. "Guys? Is that you?" He asked before running up to them with a smile," Of course you come to my shop to meet up but don't tell the owner, perfect!"

"Hey Takuya, hows the shop? Has Itona or Teresaka visited recently?" A long blonde haired woman asked as she rested her arms on the table. The blonde man shook his head when suddenly the door opened. The students turned to face the door and saw a redhead walking through. He walked right up to the group and sat down next to their teacher.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late I had a meeting," He explained and a few let out laughs.

"Can you believe it? The annoying, prankster Karma has a meeting to attend! How did you do it?" A ginger asked as his eyes widened.

"I don't actually know myself. I think this one here helped me the most," Karma, they guessed it was his name, chuckled as he ruffled their teacher's hair like the blonde woman had done moments ago," He's literally the only one who can get me up in the morning and on time for work so I owe it all to him." Nagisa's face flushed at those words before laughing himself.

"I might've helped you Karma, but you have matured a lot since Middle School."

A man with brown hair then spoke up," How's the past year been for you two?" The blue and red heads shrugged with a meh face.

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