|6| "Karasuma"

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It was the next day in class and Nagisa refused to answer any questions about what had happened yesterday, just teaching. Everyone seemed to be disappointed but it wasn't like he could just tell them about Koro-Sensei. "Are you guys even listening?" Nagisa asked as he turned to face the class with his hands on his hips.

"We're still waiting for you to fucking answer our question," Seira rolled her eyes as she leaned back in her chair. Everyone silently agreed with the vulgar worded girl as they too raised their heads to see their teacher.

Nagisa sighed loudly before rubbing his forehead. "Look, I said that on the first day as motivation for you all to pass graduation under my supervision and I intend to uphold it. You can all try to assassinate and get me into a position where it would be a kill, one I couldn't get out of," Nagisa explained," I also think it helps teach you self defence and will make you fitter for the future."

Nobody said anything after that. Although they didn't believe a word their teacher had just said, it did make slight sense. Yori only rolled his eyes at Nagisa. He then raised a hand and without waiting to be picked on, he asked," Then how did you learn to fight like that? Does it have something to do with what happened seven years ago, Sensei?"

Nagisa's whole body froze at that, he could almost be considered a statue. All the class turned to look at Yori but he ignored the stares and stood up lazily. The white haired boy walked slowly up the front of the classroom and pulled out his phone where he had taken photos of the article. "Students kept hostage by alien teacher, does that ring a bell Shiota-Sensei?" He asked before stopping in front of the teacher," Koro-Sensei didn't do anything wrong. He's a great teacher and never hurt any of us."

Suddenly, a dark aura could be felt throughout the classroom as Nagisa turned around. His eyes held a new look non of them had ever seen before and Rin shivered, feeling the same thing when she had attacked him earlier. The small man's frame was straight but his head looked up at the boy. "And what will you do now Yori, you've got no proof that has anything to do with me," The blue haired man stated when a phone went off. Nagisa immediately went back to his normal self and shook his head slightly, muttering something to himself that no one else could hear.

Walking over to his desk, he looked at the caller and groaned," Class get back to work, I'll be a minute. Yori, go sit back down." Nagisa picked up his phone before pressing the green button to answer.

"Hey Nagisa," Nagisa smiled faintly at hearing Karasuma's voice on the other side of the phone. All the class watched their teacher, not bothering to do what he said and get on with the Maths.

"Hi Karasuma-Sensei, what can I help you with? You do know it's inside school hours, right?" Nagisa asked as he flopped into his chair and leaned back onto it slightly. "I know but the Government needs a favour to do with your assassination skills," Karasuma replied.

"Look Karasuma, I don't want to do anything involving the Government now. I've got a job-"

"It's to do with that octopus." Nagisa's eyes widened and he sat up straight.

"What do you mean?"

"We've just got some intel that someone tried to hack into the database containing all the information about Koro-Sensei and your class. We thought Karma and you could track them down and hand them into authorities, well Irina and me."

"Sure, I'll get to that but you'll have to take tomorrow's lesson or a sub will probably get killed." Most of the class shared confused looks but all knew they wouldn't have their teacher in training tomorrow.

"We can arrange to come over then. How are you going to get Karma to get out of work?"

"He's been working for a year now and has been promoted a lot so it'll be easy for him to get out of work for a day."

"I suppose he'll find a way. He always does."

"Well this is Karma Akabane we are talking about."

"I have to go now, thanks Nagisa."

"It's fine Karasuma. You did teach me all those years ago so count this as getting repaid."

"The reason I taught you was to kill that octopus." With that, Karasuma ended the call and Nagisa frowned before typing a few things in on his phone. The class still looked at him, expecting some kind of explanation but didn't get one since they couldn't hear the other end of the phone.

Nagisa lifted the phone to his ear again," Hey Karma. Can you get tomorrow off work?"

"Yeah, I can. Why though? Does little Nagi need more attention that he gets?" The blue haired boy's face darkened slightly.

"No, ew Karma. Karasuma-Sensei needs our help finding someone."

"Okay, I'll be off tomorrow and to be nice I'll pick you up from work today! Gotta go and threaten some people now, bye babe!"

"Don't you dare stick some sauce up someone's nose this time!" Nagisa didn't get a reply and brought his phone in front of him to see Karma had ended the call. He grinned slightly but shook his head at his boyfriends behaviour.

Once he looked back at all the class, he frowned. "Didn't I tell you to get on with the work?" He asked and all the students hurriedly grabbed their pens and began scribbling down answers to the simple math equations, their head still clouded with curiosity.

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