|11| "I can't like the same gender!"

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"Man, today was great!" Karma stretched his arms above his heard, a wide smirk on his lips, as he heard the bell go for the end of the school day. Nagisa quietly packed all his papers away as most students left the room. "Hey Nagisa, I'm gonna go start up the car," The redhead muttered and resisted the urge to plant a small kiss on his boyfriends lips before rushing out the room.

"Sensei?" Nagisa looked up from his desk and saw Rin standing in front of him. Her short brown hair covered her face and a worried look was in her dark brown eyes. "Yes, Rin. How can I help you? Is it the homework I set?"

"No, it isn't. I think there's something wrong with me," The sixteen year old muttered as soon as everyone else had left the classroom. Nagisa stopped packing and put everything down," What do you mean?"

"There's this person, I think I might like them," She spoke quietly, almost to the point where Nagisa had to strain his ears to hear.

"Nothing is wrong with liking someone, it's apart of normal, everyday life," The blue haired man assured but Rin still seemed to be as stiff as a board.

"No, it's not normal! It's not when I like a girl!" Rin's eyes glossed over as she choked out that sentence and Nagisa's eyes widened," I-I can't like the same gender! My parents would hate me, disown me or throw me out! I can't b-be a fag!"

Nagisa suddenly spoke up in a harsh manner," Never use that word again." Rin wiped away a few fallen tears as she listened to him. "Don't ever say that. As my student, take this advice from me. Nothing is wrong with you. So what if you like the same sex? You've seen and heard Ruka always going on about being yourself and how's she's pansexual. Take some advice from her, maybe speak with each other. All I can say is there is nothing wrong with you and I hope you can believe that."


Rin messed with the hem of her shirt as she walked into the library, looking for a specific girl. Shiota-Sensei was right, she knew it. It's just she didn't want to except it just yet. He was also right about the advice to go speak to Ruka - which she was doing - but she didn't exactly want to exchange words with the girl who currently made her all flustered.

As she turned the corner, Rin saw Ruka sitting down at a table by herself with books and papers stacked in piles all around her. Gulping, the brown haired girl walked over and sat down in front of the girl. Ruka looked up from the English book she was reading," Hi Rin."

"Hey Ruka," A small blush was on her cheeks," I was wondering if you could help me." The girl in front of her raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway.

"Sure, what is it?" Ruka shrugged as she grabbed a bookmark and shoved it in the book and closed it.

"I think I might be gay," Rin let it out and a huge smile made its way onto the girl's lips," I don't know, it's all so confusing! You're pansexual so I was hoping you could help me figure it out."

Ruka nodded and picked up her bag, taking out a piece of paper that was folded neatly. When the brown haired girl raised an eyebrow Ruka smirked," A lot of people have asked me to help them. I think the last one was two weeks ago when I caught her staring at this rack." Ruka pointed at her chest," Have I made you question your sexuality?"

A bright blush spread across Rin's face at those words as she shook her head. She knew Ruka was right but that would be practically admitting everything! Plus, everyone knew Ruka was a player with all genders. Every week it would be a knew partner, the current one being a girl who was questioning her gender in the year below. "Can we just get started?" Rin asked, not intending to be harsh.

"Sure, let's get started!" The girl smiled before unfolding the paper," First question, ever had a partner of the opposite sex?"


"Ever been interested with someone of the opposite sex?"


"Have you ever stared a a person of the same sex?"


"Does your stomach do flips when you make eye contact with someone of the same sex who you think is cute?"


Ruka rolled her eyes," I'm gonna need definite answers."

"Okay, yes then!" Rin shouted out, gaining a hard glare of the librarian.

"Ever had sex?"

"I'm not answering that!" The brown haired girl said as she stood up, intending to leave. Ruka shoved the paper in her bag with a laugh.

"Look, I was only kidding about that test! There's no way a small thing like that can define your sexuality, it's best if you just roll with it. Maybe try kissing a few girls, that worked for me."

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