|7| "I want to kiss you"

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Yori has ordered a class meeting in the library after school that day. Everyone sat around the table and looked at the white haired boy. He sighed quietly before speaking," I did some research on Shiota-Sensei like you asked me too and found out some stuff. He is somehow involved with the Government and I tried to hack into it but the backup security was able to put a virus into my computer. If I try again tonight I should be able to get into it."

"So what you're telling us is you can't get past shit," Kiya snorted and smirked at the boy, who only glared back at her.

"Why don't you fucking try to get into Government files instead then?" He whispered angrily before Yuki put a hand onto his shoulder in attempt to calm him down. "Fighting isn't going to get us anywhere guys, what else did you find out Yori? What were you going on about today?"

"Yeah, listen to your boyfriend Yori!" Kiya smirked once she saw the look on the fellow white haired teenager's face. Yori stood up abruptly before grabbing his laptop he had brought and speed walking out of the library.

"Good job Kiya, now we can't know a fucking thing!" Seira growled before gathering her papers containing work and storming off, Searen quickly following.

Ruka turned to face Kai and sighed loudly," It's so obvious those two like each other."


Nagisa got into Karma's car with a small smile playing on his lips. "Hey babe, how was work?" Karma smirked as he turned out of the space in the car park and began to drive out. The blue haired man only sighed loudly.

"Honestly, they keep asking questions about why I want them to try assassinate me and won't stop! There's even this one kid, Yori, who found the article from seven years ago and decided to talk about it in the middle of class before Karasuma called me," Nagisa complained as he leaned against the window. Karma only chuckled at his boyfriends behaviour.

"I'm sure it'll turn out okay. I've got the day off tomorrow but that isn't the important thing! Since it's our four year anniversary today, I've made plans for us to go to this restaurant."

Nagisa swore under his breath for forgetting something so important as their anniversary. The red headed devil only chuckled at the smaller man's forgetfulness before reaching out and ruffling his hair," Don't worry Nagisa. We're going to enjoy tonight without worrying about all this important stuff." He nodded along and before they knew it, the two were walking into their shared apartment to get ready.

Nagisa searched through his closet looking for something to wear, not for his gay. He knew he had to look smart if Karma was taking him out to a restaurant, knowing that guy it would probably be a very fancy one. Then, the blue haired man's eyes lit up once he saw a perfect outfit. It was black pants, a light blue shirt and a black jacket. Quickly getting ready, Nagisa left the room Karma and he shared before turning to face the red head who was lying on the sofa.

Karma looked up with a smile playing on his lips and nodded happily at his boyfriend. "I think you look great Nagi!" He said happily before getting off the sofa and going into the room himself to get changed. Nagisa blushed a dark red before sitting down and looking through all the essays he still had to finish marking.

Karma didn't even take five minutes before he was walking out in black pants and a jacket with a white shirt. His hair was slicked back like it was normally and Karma smirked. "Come on Nagisa, we'll be late for our reservation if I let you mark all those first," Karma groaned as he grabbed onto his boyfriends hand and dragged him out of the apartment and down to the car.


A woman led the couple to their table and waited for them to sit down before speaking," Here are your menus, the soup of the day is chicken and is the Chefs recommendation. I'll be back in a few minutes to get your drink orders." She then quickly walked away.

Karma rested his head on his propped up arm and sighed. Nagisa looked up at him curiously," What was that sigh for?"

"Only that I can't kiss you when we're out in public, that's all."

Nagisa rolled his eyes with a small grin on his face," You know if someone recognised either of us it could end badly. We're not exactly welcomed in society yet." Karma pouted before reading through the menu.

"It's just I want to be able to hold you and kiss you out in public Nagisa. How about tonight we just have fun and don't care about anyone else?" Karma suggested. Nagisa furrowed his eyebrows as he considered what the red head and just said before looking back up and nodded.

"Sure, why not?"

Karma broke out into a huge smile before the waitress came back over with a notepad and pen in hand," Have you decided on your drinks?"

"Can we get a bottle of your finest champagne please?" Karma grinned and the woman nodded before walking back off and Nagisa shot him a glare," What?"

"You know I don't handle alcohol very well Karma! And I've got school tomorrow! If I come in with a hangover it'll be terrible!" Nagisa exclaimed as he rubbed his forehead slightly.

Karma laughed," It'll be funny, plus I think you forgot we've taken the day off to look for this hacker." Nagisa shut his mouth and died a little in the inside with his forgetfulness.

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