|29| "School Trip: Part Three"

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Nagisa and Karma both walked out of the wooden building, hands filled with plates that had piles of toast loaded on top of each other. All the teenagers sat down on the floor, after Hinano telling them to, and waited for the food to get served out. They all seemed to frown at the piece of toast the redhead had already stuffed in his mouth before smiling at the smaller.

"You can all have one slice then the rest is up for grabs," Nagisa told them all before handing out the food the couple had made to each of his students. Seira didn't say anything as she grabbed her portion, unlike the rest who mostly thanked their teacher.

She took a bite out of the toast before turning to face the person she was sat next to, Searen Choi. "I can't believe that woman said you were cute," She teased with a grin on her face. The boy's ears turned a bright red as he continued eating his food, trying his best to ignore the snide comments.

"To be honest, she was kinda right," Now Searen's face was up in flames. His eyes widened at what his friend was telling him. The black haired girl only grinned wolfishly at the boy.

"Anyway, what tattoo did you decide on in the end?" Searen changed the conversation, interested in what she had gone with. Last time they spoke, Seira was deeply torn between two tattoos that she could have marked on her skin. Lately, the shorter boy had introduced her into new songs that she had taken a likening to and Seira had considered having a lyric from one of them.

The black haired girl chuckled," Remember that song I talked about a few months ago? Kill Your Hero's by Awolonation? I decided to go with that instead!" Seira pulled up the short sleeve and on her shoulder the words 'Never let your fear decide your fate'.

"Wow, that's almost as cool as mine," Searen joked as he shrugged of his jacket, showing his tank top and the massive black eye with a few lines coming off it and surrounding," Maybe one day you'll reach it."

The girl gasped," I'll have you know mines just as good! Plus, I'm still waiting for an explanation behind that tattoo. Like, why you decided on getting that. It's an eye, what does it mean to you?" At those words, he seemed to falter and a sad look replaced the happy one in his eyes.

"I-It doesn't matter," He stuttered out before turning back to his food," I still think Burn The House Down By AJR would've been better for a tattoo."

The black haired girl knew to not push the subject despite as much as she wanted to know more about the mysterious boy's past. He never seemed to be open about it, only telling her he had a brother and they lived together. Heck, Seira hadn't even been around to his house in the year that were friends and they always went to hers. "You know you can tell me anything, I'm your friend Searen," She sighed," But I still think my music is better than yours you dipshit."

"Hey, Kei," Searen turned to the person on the other side of him," Do you think Burn The House Down is better than Kill Your Hero's?" Their friend only raised an eyebrow at the bickering before replying.

"Can I Get A Witness is better than both, don't come at me," The light haired brunette gave his own opinion," It reminds me of Kirishima from My Hero Academia."

Seira snorted before whispering to the white haired boy with a pink dip dye," Weeb." The shorter boy only have a slight nod in return.

"Well I think all of them are great songs," Ruka interrupted with a smirk," Maybe you should all listen to them?" The three looked at their other friend with furrowed eyebrows before continuing their fight on which was the better song.


"Today, class, we will be going swimming. Back when we were in middle school our teacher built a pool for us in the forest so we'll be using that. Hinano made sure it was clean and everything," Nagisa explained the plan for the rest of the day until the sun set," There are girls and boys changing rooms around the back. Go get into your swimming costumes now please!"

All at one, the pupils grabbed their bags filled with personal items and rushed around the back of the old wooden building. "I'm gonna go change in a random classroom that had no windows," Hinano broke the silence before turning to face the couple," Don't you two do anything nasty now that you're alone!"

"W-What the?" Nagisa stuttered out as a blush covered his whole face. The ginger haired woman only waved goodbye before skipping away. Karma only laughed before kissing his boyfriend's cheek and waking off. Both failed to notice the same person from earlier witnessing the affection as they walked off. She gasped before running off to the changing rooms.


It only took a few minutes until everyone was outside again and Nagisa was leading them to the swimming pool. He had a pair of blue trunks on and a jacket until he got to the pool while Karma just wore some black trunks and had a towel draped over his shoulders. The two could hear the quiet whispers of a few girls talking about the redhead - not noticing the red faced Yori Sasaku who tried to stop his nosebleed.

"Here we are!" Nagisa cheered as he walked out into the open space, looking over the pool filled with clear water," I'm so glad Koro-Sensei was able to fix it." The latter comment was quiet enough for only to two adults to hear. Hinano was already in the water before anyone else, letting out a cheer.

She turned around to face the rest of the class," Come on then!" She waved her arms in the air. Almost everyone ran and jumped into the water, following what she had just done.


I cannot believe I started off writing a whole 600 words about the songs I was listening to. What is wrong with me?

Anyway, how's y'alls day?

I'm hoping to get out one more update before I go on holiday but we'll see how that goes. It's most likely I won't update when I'm on holiday and that's for two weeks so hold on.

Also, I decided when this story gets to 40k I'll do a Q&A. I think it's about time I did something. Nobody will probably ask me anything so it'll be a total flop. I'll be happy if I get one question.

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