|38| "Goodbyes"

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"Akabane, here's some more paperwork for you," A black haired man said as he handed a few brown files off the cart and threw it onto the redheads desk. Karma raised an eyebrow at how thick they were before muttering a thank you and stopped typing on the computer for now. His co-worker nodded before pushing the cart away and going to the next desk he had papers for.

Karma quickly opened up one file, his eyes widening at seeing the words on the paper. "In a month? That soon?" He muttered to himself, not believing what he was reading," I-I!" He immediately took out his phone and texted his boyfriend, considering making phone calls while on the job wasn't permitted unless it was with a client.

Karma: Hey Nagisa, guess what?

Nagi💙: What Karma, it's my shift at the moment. This better be important

Karma: when is anything I tell you not?

Nagi💙: (_)

Karma: ok! I get it! Most things aren't that important

Karma: however, this does have to do with the court date so if you wanna know it's up to you? I could just tell you later in person

Nagi💙: NO! It's fine, you can just tell me now to save time later, no point in wasting air

Karma: r u saying I waste oxygen on breathing? Dude.....that's rude

Nagi💙: sorry

Karma: it's fine bby

Karma: I just got a letter saying the court date will be in just a month, a few days more if some things are delayed

Nagi💙: yay! I'm so happy for you Karma! We can celebrate tonight!

Karma: I would but this just means I'm gonna have to work a lot harder from now on if I want to stand a chance at actually winning this thing. Perhaps even standing a fighting chance more likely.

Nagi💙: that's rough buddy


Nagi💙: I was only joking! Sorry Karma, I know this means a lot to you and I'm sure you will do great

Nagi💙: oh, before I forget you'll be happy to know I've stocked up on chicken nuggets! Idk how you still managed to finish all those boxes you bought over a month ago for Rin but I got you two more. ❤️

Karma: 😍😘🥰 I love you

Nagi💙: I love you too Karma 🥰


When Nagisa had gotten home that evening, he saw Rin. She was sitting silently on the sofa, a nervous look on her face. As soon as the girl saw the blue haired man, she froze up and stared at him. "Is something the matter, Rin?" The older asked with a raised eyebrow, closing the apartments front door and shrugging off his coat.

"I'm sorry Nagisa," The brown eyed girl muttered out, the words barely reaching his ears. The blue haired man quickly made his way over to the girl with a confused expression, sitting down next to her.

"What's wrong, Rin?" He said, not wanting to upset her more than she already looked. The teenage girl bit her bottom lip, full of nerves.

"I know you said I could stay here Nagisa, but I've asked my brother if I could move in with him. Please don't assume I don't want to stay here, I love it here, but I can see how hard it is on you and Karma. Especially now that you've lost your job as a teacher. You both barely make enough to pay rent and feed all of us so I thought it'd be easier for you guys," Rin explained, hanging her head low. She focused solely on the ground, her feet now being the most interesting thing in the room.

The girl didn't want to see her former teacher get mad at her so she was dumbfounded on how he did react. "O-Oh, I understand Rin. If this is what you want I can't stop you," The man hummed as he wrapped his arms around the young girl.

"Thanks for understating. Kazu said he'll be here in half an hour to pick me up. I've already packed all my belongings and everything," The brown haired girl finished before bringing her arms around Nagisa.

And just like that, a bit over half an hour later her older brother showed up. He bowed to Nagisa and only said," Thank you for taking care of my sister." The shorter man nodded with a sad smile on his face as Rin dragged her bags out the door.

"I'll see you around, Nagisa," Rin waved goodbye before her brother and her left. She had left. Just like that. The blue eyed man blinked, trying to stop any tears escaping as he closed the door. When he heard the soft click, he immediately broke down to the floor. He just sat there. He didn't know what to do.

Nagisa has definitely grown attached to the fierce 16 year old girl over the amount of time she had lived with him. He just hadn't realised how much. For some unknown reason, the man had just blindly believed she was going to stay with him and his boyfriend. It was kind of silly now thinking about it.

He didn't know how he was going to break the news to Karma. The redhead and her had too became close, bonding over their weird obsession with chicken nuggets. Karma had grown attached just like him and the blue eyed man knew it was going to be hard even say anything about Rin when he got home.

Letting out a sigh, Nagisa got back to his feet trying to ignore the aching in his heart. He was going to miss her.

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