|31| "School Trip: Part Five"

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Karma Akabane ran a hand through his hair as he looked at the homework in front of him. The 16 year old knew he was just trying to distract himself from what he wanted to tell his parents when they got home from their trip. After Middle School, his parents had promised to take the entire Christmas break off with him. The redhead felt special for once in his life. He felt as if he was a normal kid that got to spend the holidays with his family.

It was then he heard the front door to the mansion unlock. "Karma, we're home!" A feminine voice shouted out into the house. The mercury eyed teenager jumped up from the table and ran towards the door. His feet skidded against the shiny wooden floor, slipping slightly because of the socks he was wearing.

"Mum, Dad!" He yelled before jumping into his mothers arms, hearing his father chuckle at his behaviour. Karma looked like the male version of his mother. They had the same coloured hair and eyes, only she had darker skin while he had the paleness of his father.

The man dropped the bags he was carrying, letting the maids take them up to the appropriate rooms, before joining in the embrace. Karma dropped his legs back down to the ground and grinned up at both his parents. "My, my Karma. You've grown really tall?" His mother commented," Almost as tall as me."

"Let's go sit in the living room," His father said before walking further into their home, the rest of the family following. Karma was excited. He couldn't remember the last time his parents had actually wanted to spend their own time with him. The redhead knew they were busy basically all around the clock but he found it nice they at least tried for him.

Once they were all sitting down Karma started to tell them all about the past year in high school and told them the stories of how he played pranks on many teachers and students alike. While his father congratulated him, his mother lectured him.

"I've also discovered something this year too," Karma admitted," I'm bisexual." There, he had said it. The teenager knew his parents wouldn't care so he didn't have any worries. Well, obviously a few.

His father's mouth dropped open before a smirk made its way onto the woman's face. She held out her hand," Give me the money. I won the bet." It was now Karma's turn to become shocked.

"Y-You made a bet on my sexuality?" He stuttered out and his parents now were facing him.

His mother decided to explain," It was obvious from when you started inviting over that Nagisa boy you weren't straight. I betted you'd come out in high school when your father, here, decided it'll be after."


Karma sat up quickly, panting heavily. Blinking a few times, he remembered where he was and let out a sigh of relief. A loud yawn escaped the blue haired man that was sleeping next to him. Nagisa sat up, rubbing his eyes before shooting his boyfriend a worried look.

"You okay Karma? It looks like you've seen a ghost," The teacher placed a hand on his shoulder. The mercury eyed redhead only chuckled softly before shaking his head.

"I'm fine Nagi. Just had a dream about when I came out to my parents," Karma waved it off. The blue haired man pursed his lips before wrapping his arms around the taller one of them two.

Nagisa let out a sigh," You've never told me about it. Is it really that bad?" The redhead froze up. He knew how bad coming out was for his boyfriend and compared to his, the man felt embarrassed. Karma couldn't tell Nagisa about his coming out experience just because he was too embarrassed. Too weirded out still by the fact his parents had made a bet on his sexuality. They really didn't care about the fact he liked two genders and just rolled with it.

"To be honest," Karma started," It wasn't bad. Coming out, I mean. The story is just kind of embarrassing." He let out a laugh, immediately quietening down once he realised they were both in a tent and anyone could overhear if they walked by.

The short blue haired man furrowed his eyebrows," Well it can't be worse than mine." Karma shook his head.

"No, it's just weird. My parents already knew I wasn't straight when I told them. They made a bet on it!" He explained and watched as his boyfriend's blue eyes widened. A few moments later Nagisa bursted out into quiet laughter, letting go of the redhead's shoulder and falling back into his sleeping bag.

Karma glared playfully at him before lying down too. "Don't laugh, Nagisa. It was shocking, you know?" He muttered out but it couldn't cease the blue haired man's chuckling.

"S-Sorry, Karma! It's j-just so funny," Nagisa soon came to a stop before wrapping his arms around the taller's body and resting his head on his chest," Goodnight. Thanks for telling me though." A bright blush covered Karma's face as he watched his boyfriend drift to sleep before soon finding himself falling into it as well.


"Today class, you can do whatever you wish today. Maybe go down to the town and buy souvenirs for family or explore?" Nagisa said as soon as the class finished eating breakfast. It was the second day of the school trip.

Karma grinned widely as he watched all the students exchange small whispers of what they should do. He couldn't wait to spend a whole day with his boyfriend. "Sensei, what will you be doing," Sora asked.

"I haven't decided yet," The blue haired man replied, a twinkle in his eyes. The mercury eyed man smirked at the scene, knowing Nagisa wanted to have a sparring match later on between them both.

The man then looked at his watch," Be back by 2:30 pm. Go have some fun!" And with that all the kids ran off.


Hey. Guess who's back? Back again?
Kay, I'll stop.

Hey guys, I'm so excited to be back writing. Sadly, I start school again in a few days so updates will be less but I'll still try.

Thank you for 40k. I'll be doing the Q&A soon so pls ask more questions so I don't feel embarrassed when I only do the few I've received. So, uh, ask please.

I've also been writing a lot of drafts for new stories so maybe one of them will get published some day of another. That'll be exciting.

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