|34| "Jobs"

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The class was shocked to see their actual teacher in place of Shiota-Sensei. They had grown so used to the short man's weird teaching methods and strange stories that they'd forgotten the actual teacher would have to come back eventually. The thing was, Nagisa was no where in sight. Normally, teachers in training would just sit in the corner of the classroom and watch but for some odd reason the blue haired man was no where to be seen.

Rin felt panic built up in her system. She knew for sure Nagisa had left for work today, him leaving earlier than her so he could get lessons prepared. Had he been kidnapped? Hurt? Was he bleeding out in an alleyway somewhere? Her hands fiddled with the pen she was holding, needing some sort of distraction from the situation at hand.

Tenya Iida narrowed his eyes at how the class was acting, more or less used to how badly they all behaved when he was teaching them less than a year ago. "Your teacher in training has sadly been fired so I have had to come back into school," The dark blue haired man announced as he stood up from behind his desk," I expect you to act like actual human beings and not the savage animals you are, I expect you to get on with work and not throw homework away. As this is your final year, you might want to take your studies seriously because McDonald's might not even hire you lot."

A sudden up rage occurred. "What the hell do you mean, he's been fired?" Seira shouted out as she stood up suddenly, an angry flare in her eyes. Murmurs spread across the classroom like wildfire.

"Yeah! He was the best teacher we had, better than a dumbass like you!" Jurou spoke up, normally the one labelled to never really speak in the classroom or while a lesson was taking place. Everyone nodded along, even Kamin despite it being grudgingly.

Tenya frowned at the few students who shouted at him and he walked to the blackboard. His rectangular glasses seemed to make him look more threatening now. "It seems even he couldn't change a bunch of teenagers," The dark eyed man said as he began to survey the entire room of students," For every one of you that mentions him in this room, the entirety of this class will stay behind for a detention."

Yuki cautiously rose his hand," Sir, why were you off?" The dark blue haired man looked at the golden eyed boy with a fierce glare before sauntering over to his desk near the back of the classroom. The teenager found himself shrinking back in his seat, wishing he now hadn't spoken or asked anything seeing as it now got him in trouble. So much for Nagisa telling him to be more sociable.

"What's your name, boy?" Tenya asked him, a hidden tone of threat in his voice as he spoke. The class found themselves already praying for the boy's survival.

"Y-Yuki Katsuki," He replied with a slight stutter from the nerves running through his veins," I was put in this class this year sir." The teacher pushed his glasses further up his nose and straightened out his black tie before responding.

"Well, Y-Yuki Katsuki. You've just granted the whole class one detention tonight, bravo," Tenya mocked him before making his way back up to the front of the classroom once more," Let's get on with the lesson now." Kiya found herself wallowing in guilt as the man wrote on the blackboard, it overwhelming her as she tried to focus on the topic at hand. No matter how hard she tried, all she could think was that she had costed a man his job.


Nagisa walked around town, hating on himself. He couldn't believe his bad luck. The man didn't know how but sometime during that school trip a student had seen him and Karma. At least, that's what he thought. The principal had only said that parents of one of his students thought no gay should be teaching their child ("Parents of a student in your class are somewhat concerned, Shiota. They say their child had seen you and another...man... sharing affection.").

While he hated himself for letting the secret get out to someone he couldn't help but hate the law. He hated the fact it stopped him and people like him from getting jobs, married and so much more. The man was just feeling glad he didn't have it as bad as some others out there.

Nagisa found himself walking into a bookstore that had a poster on the window saying they were hiring. For now, he just needed a job that could help Karma and him afford rent. A small bell dinged as he pushed open the door, alerting the woman behind the register that a customer had come in the store.

"Welcome to Heather & Willows Bookstore, How may I help you?" She asked, putting a bookmark in a paperback she was reading and placing it on the desk. The woman looked to be a little younger than Nagisa, short blonde hair in a bob and happy emerald green eyes.

The blue haired man made his way over to the register before timidly speaking," A poster outside said you were hiring, could I apply for the job?" The blonde woman smiled widely and nodded.

"Sure, I'm Raiko Yumiko and you are...?" She asked as she opened up a draw and pulled out a pen and sheet," And how old are you?" Her green eyes looked back up to the shorter man.

Nagisa smoked awkwardly," I'm Nagisa Shiota, 22 years old." Raiko's eyes widened at hearing how old the man in front of her was before handing him the pen and turning the piece of paper around to face him.

"Sorry for asking but you really don't look that old. Not that you are in fact old!" The woman apologised," Please forgive me." She placed her hands together and bowed her head in shame.

Nagisa waved it off," It's fine, really. Most people think I'm a lot younger because of my height!"


Oh my god. 😂 the comments on the last chapter overwhelmed me. I was so shocked to see you all that angry. I feel bad for doing it but it's necessary for the upcoming chapters.

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